3 Latest Knight Outfit Sets at PUBG Mobile

As a battle royale game known for its complex gameplay, PUBG Mobile provides entertainment by presenting skin items such as outfit sets, weapon skins, and other skins. Skin items in this game are always updated regularly. Currently PUBG Mobile is releasing the newest skin item again, namely 3 sets of knight outfits that will make the character look dashing in the game and here is the complete information

PUBG Mobile is a popular battle royale game with millions of active players spread all over the world. With the large player community, PUBG Mobile provides facilities to maximize identity in the game. Apart from having a player ID or nickname, PUBG Mobile also provides a lot of skin items such as outfit sets, weapon skins, and others.

By using set outfits and other skin items, PUBG Mobile players can be creative to form their identity in the game. PUBG Mobile also releases cosmetic items regularly so that various players have many options to choose or to collect. Like the 3 newest knight outfit sets that are present at PUBG Mobile today.

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3 Latest Knight Outfit Sets 3 sets of knight outfit

Currently there is a new set of outfits that are present at PUBG Mobile with the theme of knights. There are 3 sets of knight outfits that can be obtained through the PUBG Lucky Crate offer. With only 60 UC to make the first draw and 540 UC to draw 10x. The three of them describe knights who come from different cultures.

Here are the 3 Latest Knight Outfit Sets.

1. Set Oufit Gold Warrior

The first knight outfit set is the Gold Warrior outfit set. As the name suggests, by using this set of clothes, your character in the game will become a golden knight. With a gold armor coupled with a crown helmet skin. From this appearance, it can be seen that this is a knight in the style of eastern culture. Using this Gold Warrior outfit set will make your character look dashing in the game.

2. Set Outfit Wild Ambition

The second knight outfit set is an inland tribe knight. Identical with clothes that are equipped with feather accessories. From its somewhat vague appearance it is very useful for disguising itself in forest areas. Using this Wild Ambition outfit set will make your game movements more agile and wild.

3. The Noble Lineage Outfit Set

3 sets of knight outfit

The third knight outfit set is the Noble Lineage outfit set. From its appearance it is clear that this knight outfit set depicts knights from Middle Eastern cultures such as Persia. With sultan-style clothes with a combination of gold and red colors coupled with a turban skin, it makes the appearance of your character in the game look dashing.

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That’s info about the 3 newest knight outfit sets that are present at PUBG Mobile. You can choose 1 of the 3 knights or collect all three. Get all three through the PUBG Lucky Crate offer. In addition, by drawing here you also have the opportunity to get other interesting content such as the SKS Golden Trigger weapon skin. Thank you!