4 ML Heroes with the Ultimate Skill to Lock Enemies in Mobile Legends

In this Mobile Legends game, have you ever faced one of the Hero Locks? This Hero Skill Ultimate Lock Mobile Legends has an ability that is quite unique because it can make enemy movements stop temporarily and can also inflict enormous damage to its target.

If you face something like this, maybe you will get annoyed yourself because when you want to run away suddenly there is a Hero who targets with Skill Lock and finally you die.

Another thing is when you are looking for a Hero who can give a Lock effect, even if you yourself are hit by the Skill then die. This might be a very annoying cause isn’t it.

On this occasion, we will inform some heroes in Mobile Legends who have very annoying Skill Lock. This Skill Lock does not mean just stopping the movement, there are also those who attack the enemy without needing to Aim again, aka automatic. Curious? Immediately, we see the explanation in the article below.

4 Heroes with Skill Lock that are hard to avoid in Mobile Legends

  1. Wanwan

Marksman ML player

Even though this hero is quite new, you shouldn’t underestimate his ability in the game. Wanwan has a very unique ability, she can use her Ultimate when all vital points on the enemy are hit.

When using Ultimate, the damage dealt is also very large and painful. Those of you who use Wanwan at the time of Ultimate don’t need to worry, because this skill will directly aim at the enemy, aka Lock. If the enemy dies, it will target nearby enemies.

  1. Cyclops

Hero Skill Ultimate Lock Mobile Legends

This one hero used to be a very popular hero in seasons 7 and 8. This is because Cyclops has a variety of skills that are quite unique and suitable for Push rank at that time. Cyclops also has a skill that can stop enemy movements.

This skill is found in his Ultimate, if you activate this skill then the skill will follow the enemy until he hits the alias Lock. If hit, the enemy will be trapped for a few seconds and receive considerable damage.

  1. Fanny

Hero Skill Ultimate Lock Mobile Legends

This Hero Skill Ultimate Lock Mobile Legends has unique skills and abilities, he is one of the most agile Assassin heroes with his 2 skills. This skill makes him fly and if it passes through the enemy it will automatically use Skill 1.

If the enemy is dying and trying to escape, you can use the Ultimate Skill to kill him. This ultimate skill from Fanny will immediately appear from above the enemy and then stab him automatically aka Lock. The resulting damage is also very large.

  1. Lesley

Hero Skill Ultimate Lock Mobile Legends

The last hero who has the ultimate skill that is hard to avoid is Lesley. This hero has enormous damage, both in the Early and in the late game. This hero also has a very broad Ultimate Skill and can lock enemies.

If an enemy is hit by this Lock skill, he will be shot with considerable damage. This skill can indeed be held by the enemy friend, but if there is no one nearby, then this skill can be deadly.

By using the row of heroes above, it can make you more reliable to lock agile opponents in Mobile Legends. Not only the four heroes above. There are also many other Ultimate Lock Hero Skills that you can use in Mobile Legends.

Those are the 4 Hero Mobile Legends who have the most difficult Ultimate Lock Skill to avoid. What do you think? Is there your favorite Hero here? Besides that, don’t forget to follow our official Instagram account at Esportsku (@ esports.ku) to get the latest information about the Mobile Legend game and other esports news. That’s all we can say, Thank you.