4 Reasons Why the CG15 is Underrated in Free Fire (FF)

In Free Fire, every update will give players new changes in almost every aspect. Which is why an update is always interesting for players to try. One of the most interesting updates is in terms of the weapons. There are some weapons that will be having a buff and a nerf, depends on the weapon’s strength. So here we have some reasons why the CG15 is underrated in Free Fire.

4 Reasons Why the CG15 is Underrated in Free Fire (FF)

The damage is massively nerfed

This weapon is once the best weapon with a really high damage rate. The damage rate is overpower according to most players. But you need to know that recently, there is a nerf to this weapon in terms of damage.

The nerf gives a huge impact to this weapon, especially in terms of damage reduction. So you need to know that the CG15 weapon damage will no longer be 999. However, there will be buff to another weapon soon. So stay tune for more information about the weapon nerf and buff in Free Fire.

The CG15 is hard to find in Free Fire

This next reason can be one of the main reason as to why the CG15 is underrated in Free Fire. Most weapons can be find through looting around the map. However, this weapon is one of the most difficult weapon to find in the game.

Which is why, most players don’t even bother trying to find this weapon anymore in Free Fire. It’s because the weapon is hard to find anyway, so they rather choose to find and use other weapons instead.

Not effective in close range

Even though this weapon is an SMG weapon, it turns out that the CG15 is not as effective in close range. An SMG should have been effective in close range like the VSS, but not for this weapon. From close range proximity, this weapon’s bullet tend to spread, which is why it is not really effective in close range. So if you want to rush an enemy in Free Fire, this weapon is not the right option for you.

An annoying charge system of the CG15

The last reason and also the weakness of the CG15 in Free Fire, is that this weapon requires a charging time before shooting. So there is a charging mechanism every time you try to shoot the weapon. This charging mechanism is useful to charge the damage of the weapon. So the longer you charge, the bigger the damage will be. However, this is not really effective for most players in Free Fire.

And that’s some of the reasons why the CG15 is underrated in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on Instagram for more tips to come!