5 Documentary Films with the Theme of Demonstrations that Tense the Audience

There are differences of opinion regarding mass actions regarding protests, some think that some groups think that demonstrations in this way are an old, obsolete way, while other groups believe that going down the road to hold a demonstration is the most appropriate thing to tell the government what what they build is not in accordance with the interests of the people.

It is quite fun if we immediately take to the streets to do a demonstration, but what if it happens instead of being made into a neat documentary film, here is a list of films with the theme of demonstrations that can tense the audience. Let’s look at the review as follows.

Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom (2015)

This film tells more about a documentary between a demonstration that led to a revolution in Ukraine in 2014. Not only telling about that, there are several perspectives from the community and certain parties regarding mass gathering, as well as the tactics of the ongoing demonstrations that are not concerned with the substance and purpose of the action.

The Square (2013)

The film The Square, which was released in 2013, depicts the revolutionary process that is heating up in the country of Egypt. This film tells from the perspective of the protesters who do not accept the government in Egypt at that time. Many of the events that are brought up feel real and tense for the audience who saw this film.

Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower (2017)

In this film, a 14 year old boy manages to lead and protest against the policies of the government of a superpower country. The beginning of the story of a child named Joshua Wong, a student from Hong Kong who protested against the Chinese government in a peaceful manner.

This film also not only shows Hong Kong’s relationship with China but also shares the humanist side of the film Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower which was released in 2017.

Battle of Algiers (1966)

In this film, the protests are based on true stories and highlight the war between the rebel groups and the French government for independence in North Africa. This film is all taken in real terms and does not involve animation effects like today. Unfortunately this film was banned in France for fear of a riot that could spark protests.

Snowpiercer (2015)

The film Snowpiercer, which was released in 2015, is set in a group of protests on the train. The film itself tells of a class conflict between the occupants of the rear carriage and the front carriage on the Snowpiercer train.

Those are some recommendations for a documentary about a heartbreaking demonstration, which is too bad for you to miss. If the article above was of use to you, don’t forget to share with your friends!

This post was last modified on November 10, 2020 9:56 am