5 Famous Figures Become Free Fire (FF) Characters

Yesterday we had a new character, which is one of Free Fire’s collaboration with Christiano Ronaldo. Well it turns out from this too, we can know that there are 5 Famous FF Characters Becoming Free Fire Characters.

Maybe you will become curious and won’t want to too, so that you have missed one of these Characters later. That way, you won’t want to miss all these things either.

Because there are still lots of cool things, so you can try to feel it later from using Free Fire Characters now. With the players already understanding the character, it will be easy in the future.

Especially for now, there are a lot of characters present in the Free Fire game. So make sure all of you, are ready with things like that for the future too.

These Are Famous Figures Become Free Fire (FF) Characters:


You must know the handsome actor named Joe Taslim, where he has played in the film Laga which gave Pira a pretty tough action. Even now, he is already present in the Free Fire game.

His name in the Free Fire game is Jota, which is an abbreviation of his real name. Even in this game, Jota has also become a suitable choice in Rush as in the film that starred.

All the power of the Rush player, is indeed accumulated in that character and will certainly give one of the most dangerous powers.

DJ Alok

DJ Alok's FF character with Heal continues on Free Fire

DJ Alok or his real name Alok Achkar Peress Petrillo, is indeed one of the best DJs in the world. Even the one who has the title DJ Alok, was ranked 11th in the latest DJ Alok.

Even as we know, DJ Alok is a collaboration of the Free Fire game which has been welcomed by the players. Because what we can know is that DJ Alok has very strong strengths.

You could say that DJ Alok also has the ability to heal friends in his skill circle. Besides that, you will also know that DJ Alok is a character that many players are interested in.


Then we move to a character named DJ KSHMR, with the real name Niles Hollowel-Dhar, he managed to become a character in the game.

Being one of the DJs whom Garena has invited to collaborate with, so that the players are happy with the presence of another new DJ. Even the presence of this KSHMR, changed DJ Alok’s meta to him for some time.

The strength of KSHMR itself is indeed quite deadly from the EP part, where it will continue to provide Energy Points in a long distance without the need to be afraid to get too close to Friends when fighting.

Jai Is a Famous Character Becoming a Free Fire (FF) Character

Those of you who like to watch Bollywood films, must know the same name as Actor Hrithik Roshan. Yup, he is a character in the Free Fire game as well, as well as a very reliable actor in Bollywood films.

This character is indeed very strong and very violent, so you will be able to get great strength when using him. Especially if you like playing in a Rush state, you will definitely benefit greatly.

Because you will get additional bullets, when you succeed in killing the enemy you are fighting later.

Chrono, a Famous Character, Becomes a Free Fire (FF) Character

Operation Chrono

The last famous character is a Free Fire (FF) character and is still new to the Free Fire game is Chrono, he is Christiano Ronaldo and is finally here in this game. Early on, many said that CR7 and Free Fire were all hoaxes.

But they ended up with him, when it was true that CR7 was included in the Free Fire game and had a cool look with the name Chrono. Even now, Chrono is a Meta destroyer in Free Fire.

The strength given to the Shield Chrono is indeed quite good and strong in defense. So of course you will be better prepared and you don’t need to be afraid anymore when you use this character later.

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That’s all 5 Famous FF Characters Become Free Fire Characters, maybe one of them you still use. The strength of this character is indeed strong, so don’t miss anything to try.

This power will be even better, but it’s a shame in one thing like Advanced Server Free Fire now. Reportedly there are several Buffs and Nerfs, on the characters who are present in the Free Fire game.

Make sure you have followed my Esports Instagram, so you don’t miss a variety of new information from this Free Fire game in the future.