5 Free Fire (FF) Best Character for an Easy Booyah

In Free Fire, each characters has different skills for you to use to help you win the game. Those character has different appearance and background. Some of those character has an individual skill that you can use to increase your strength in the game, either offensively or defensively. So here we have some of the Free Fire best character for an easy booyah that you need to know.

5 Free Fire (FF) Best Character for an Easy Booyah

DJ Alok

All Free Fire players know that DJ Alok is becoming one of the best character for an easy booyah in Free Fire. This character has already gained some popularity since its first release. The skill that this character has is also really useful for you to win the game. DJ Alok’s skill is that he is able to increase his healing capability and movement speed. This skill is really useful for you to win a one on one battle in Free Fire.


If you are a rusher in Free Fire, then this is the best character for you to choose. Jota is a character that is really suitable for you to rush an enemy. The ability that this character has is really effective in close range. So if you’re using this character to rush an enemy, you don’t have to worry anymore about losing so much HP in the game. Jota is capable of healing himself after he kills an enemy with either an SMG or a shotgun. So try to focus on getting at least one kill as you rush an enemy in the game.


The next character is A124. This character is one of the meta character back in the day, because of her skill that is really useful for most players. If you’re using this character, you will have so much energy point that you can use to regenerate your HP. With her skill, it will be difficult for the enemy to beat you. A124’s skill is that she is able to convert the Energy Point to Health Point faster than anyone else. So remember to collect some Energy Points in the game.


Until now, Steffie is still the best option for you to use if you need some defensive skill in the game. She is also one of the best character to use as a ranker in Free Fire. The ability of this character is really useful for you to reduce the damage on your HP. Steffie’s skill is that she can reduce the damage taken from the enemy. Actually, her skill is not as useful if you reach the final zone. So this character can be useful for you to use in early to mid game in Free Fire. Steffie’s skill can only be overpower if you reach the maximum level of this character.


The last character is Luqueta, which is also one of the Free Fire best character for an easy booyah. His skill is kind of look like Antonio’s skill. It’s just that his skill is slightly better than Antonio. Luqueta is able to have more HP than anyone else. He can also increase his HP only after he kills an enemy.

And that’s some of the Free Fire best character to use for an easy booyah. Be sure to follow esportsku on Instagram for more tips to come!