5 Free Fire (FF) Overpower Character that Needs a Nerf

In Free Fire, there are many characters that you can choose so that you can use their skills to help you win the game. Each of these characters has different skills and capabilities. And you can choose the character according to your playing style. This can be useful to know because their skill is different for every playing style in the game. But some of those skills are considered overpower by most players. Here we have some Free Fire overpower character that needs a nerf.

5 Free Fire (FF) Overpower Character that Needs a Nerf


This character is quite fresh since this is a new character coming from around July. But the skill that his character is quite unfair to some players. His skill is really deadly, that this character really needs a nerf immediately. Wolfrahh’s skill is that he is able to reduce the headshot damage from the enemy, while increasing his headshot damage towards the enemy at the same time. This is a really overpower skill for every players to have. Because with this character, you can kill your enemy way faster with the huge damage that he has.

DJ Alok

DJ Alok in Free Fire is one of the most popular character in Free Fire, because he is an adaptation from a real life figure. His character is taken from the real life DJ from Brazil. So no wonder why this character already gains its popularity since its first release. His skill is that he is able to increase his movement speed and healing capability. Some consider that his skill is overpower, which is why DJ Alok also needs a nerf to add some more competitive gameplay later on.

Kelly Awakening

The awakening version of this character really makes Kelly becoming overpower. Now she has more skill than just increasing her running speed. And the new skill is that she is now capable of increasing her damage burst as well. These two skill makes Kelly one of the overpower character in Free Fire that need a nerf real soon.


The next character is Steffie, where she is also one of the best character in Free Fire that needs a nerf. Her skill is that she is able to reduce the loss of her HP when the enemy hits her, in a quite huge amount. Her defensive skill is often frustrating to some players.


The last character is Clu, where this character is capable of locating the enemy position at 50 meters around her. With her scouting skill, makes the enemy unable to hide if the enemy is near her. Some players are calling out for a nerf on this character, because her skill is way too overpower.

And that’s some of the Free Fire overpower character that needs a nerf immediately, in order to have more competitive gameplay later on. Be sure to follow esportsku on Instagram for more tips to come!