5 Hero Counter Lylia in Mobile Legends

Who doesn’t know this Lylia magee hero? The one who used to be famous and became a banned subscription in the Epic to Mythic ranks because it has a very dangerous ability. After getting various kinds of nerf, finally Lylia was released and was rarely picked up by many people because her dangerous ability was not that threatening anymore. There are several Hero Counter Lylia ML Use this Hero Mobile Legends that you can use

But even though his ability has been reduced, the strength he has and the potential to dominate the game is still quite large. If you meet one of the pro players Lylia (more often in Legend or Mythic and above) then it is certain that you will be very overwhelmed in facing this little mage.

Even though this hero was very OP in his time and had been hit by Nerf, Lylia until now can still be OP if used by the right person. On this occasion we will provide some hero recommendations that you can use for the Hero Counter Lylia ML while in the Land of Dawn.

For those who are penasarang, we have a list of hero counters for Lylia as follows;

  1. Chou
  2. Kaja
  3. Franco
  4. Akai
  5. Saber

These heroes are very strong and effective for you to use. This has been tested by Esportsku and is very effective.

Hero Counter Lylia ML Use This Hero Mobile Legends

Just how hot a hero can make Lylia cornered? Immediately, we see the article below.

The following are heroes who are specifically counter heroes for Lylia Mobile Legends to date

  1. Chou

This hero is one of the biggest counters which is suitable for making Lylia even more discouraged. Hero Chou has the ability to Disable for a long time using his ultimate skill and this skill can also play with Lylia.

Chou’s Ultimate Skill can also prevent Lylia from using her Ultimate. Not only that, if Chou is damaged, it will make Lylia die faster.

  1. Kaja

This hero who is very specialized in kidnapping occupies the Second Lylia ML Hero Counter which can be used to counter Lylia’s ferocity. If you use the Ultimate Kaja Skill to catch Lylia, then Lylia herself won’t be able to do much.

The damage generated from Kaja is also very large, but it is not possible to kill Lylia quickly and there is also a possibility that Lylia can return to using her Ultimate skill. Therefore, bring one of your teammates who has high damage to finish off Lylia.

  1. Hero Counter Lylia Mobile legends Franco

With his Iron Hock ability, Franco can attract Lylia and can immediately be combined using his Ultimate skill. But before that too, you can combine Skill 1 and Flicker so that Lylia is interested even further than usual.

It is more advisable for you to pull Lylia into the turret, so when Lylia is drawn into the turret by Franco and immediately takes her Ulti, it is certain that Lylia will die quickly.

  1. Akai

Hero Counter Lylia Mobile legends because Akai can be Lylia’s best counter. Akai’s stun skill is quite long, especially if you manage to get Lylia to the wall, then Akai’s stun will be even longer.

That way, Lylia won’t be able to escape, but you have to be with other heroes so you can finish off Lylia right away. You know that the Damage from the Tank hero is very minimal, so ask for the assistance of heroes like Marksman or Assassin so that Lylia can die immediately.

  1. Saber

One of the Hero Counter Lylia Mobile legends in fifth place is Saber. You can defeat Lylia by using the Ultimate skill from Saber combined with the Spell Stun. So that later when Lylia is on land, she can immediately stun and use skill 1 Saber again to finish off Lylia.

You can use this Saber to counter heroes like Harith and other Marksman heroes. Because the damage from Saber is also quite high.

So, those are some recommendations for Counter Hero Lylia ML using Hero Mobile Legends. How? Do you still have reasons to give up fighting Lylia?

That’s all we can say, Thank you.

Nugraha! https://esportsku.com

I prefer to play free fire with friends rather than solo push rank. Because he keeps losing and also likes trolling squad mates