7 Best Executing Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML)

When talking about hero heroes in the Mobile Legends game, there is no end to it at any time, this game not only has a fairly unique gameplay, but is accompanied by various unique heroes in it. One of them is the line of the best Executor heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) below. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide some recommendations for the Executor’s hero with the best and fast execution capabilities in the Mobile Legends game.

The executor itself is not included in a role in Mobile Legends, but rather leads to a hero who can do the best execution in the Mobile Legends game. Which means that the title above is very suitable to be mentioned on heroes who have fast killer skills and have the ability to lock targets well.


The best executor hero in the first Mobile Legends game is the Saber hero, hero one is an assassin hero who has just received his latest revamp in Mobile Legends.

Saber’s executor skill lies in his ultimate which can lock on to the opponent giving excellent finishing.


The next hero is Karina who is a hero assassin with excellent and fast execution skills. Karina’s executor’s ability lies in her ultimate skill which is able to give burst damage to opponents. Not only that, this skill will reset the CD if you get a kill or assist.


Hero Martis also has skills that are quite similar to Karina, but another advantage of Martis is the ability of CC and also the gameplay mechanism. If Karina is not that reliable when on the defensive, but Martis can. However, if you do the initiation, this one hero is very capable.


Next is the hero Chou who is a fighter hero who never dies in Mobile Legends. Chou is the best Executor hero with his ultimate skill that can target one hero target and lock and defeat him. This hero is very effective at targeting the core hero opponent in Mobile Legends.


The next hero is Jawhead, Jawhead has an executor skill found in his ultimate skill which can target and lock the opponent and then throw him and do great damage.


Not only Jawhead, Barats is also the best executor hero that you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Barats’ execution skill lies in his ultimate skill that can eat his prey and throw it.


The last best executor hero is Natalia who is the best assassin hero with deadly execution abilities. Natalia is one of your options to beat your opponent’s back line easily.

That’s all the best executor heroes you can use in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully the presence of the above reviews can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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