7 Hero Tank Mobile Legends Strong Durability, HP ML Is Not Overcome!

Tank is a role in Mobile Legends that relies on high defense and blood, so they can take a lot of damage from the enemy. This is done so that your team can withstand enemy attacks well. This time there is a hero Tank Mobile Legends, the strong durability that you use for your HP is endless.

Some of the hero tank’s mobile legends roles have a lot of CC skills or buffs that can increase their durability. If you use a tank, you also have to use items that can increase your defense to make it stronger in the game later. Things like physical defense and magic defense are very important, so that you can withstand both forms of attack while guarding your teammates during team fight as well.

The tank itself also has 3 types of mobile legends tanks that vary according to their use during the game. For example, there are mobile legends magic tanks, support tanks, and physical mobile legends tanks.

When playing, it’s usually your job to withstand enemy attacks so that your team is safe. Usually that is the job of a Tank Support. But usually there are also those who can become fighters. Those who are more durable are usually Support Tanks, because their high durability makes them difficult to beat and they take longer to guard the team.

When the team is fighting, the Tank must not be afraid of receiving attacks, because if this happens they will be difficult to move forward, and members with little blood will be affected. So to get this straight. Here we will recommend a tank Hero who has the strongest Durability in Mobile Legends, this hero hero is very difficult to conquer especially with a very complete mobile legends tank item.


Hero Tank Mobile Legends Strong Durability

Tigreal is a tank hero who has high durability and CC that can withstand many enemies. This hero is a hero who has high durability, because it has a defense and damage reductio making it difficult to conquer.

Not only that, which makes this hero difficult to fight because, you will get stuck with his CC and make you stop because you are stunned when fighting him. This hero is also suitable for team fights because it can easily stop enemy movements. Tigreal is also a hero who is easy to use but has very good skills when used properly.


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Beleric is a hero tank with high damage reduction and can provide root around it while dealing damage. This hero is perfect for harassing, so the enemy will find it difficult to move. This one tank is very difficult to use but has excellent CC skills. This hero is very suitable in team fights but he cannot do it alone. Because this hero can only stop enemy movements.


Gatotkaca is a hero who can make enemies around him hit him. This hero can make enemies around him come to hit him, not forgetting the high damage reduction makes him an excellent bait to fight enemies. This hero also has the ultimate skill that can easily enter the crowd.

Provides an Airborne effect that allows him to easily stop enemy movements. After that, this hero also has a slow skill that can have a slow effect making him a hero with reliable CC. So this hero is not only good in defense but also in offense.


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Uranus mobile legends is a hero with very high durability and movement skills. With a damage skill that can inflict damage on enemies and high Defense, making him a very durable hero.

This hero is very difficult to conquer because it has a movement speed up that makes it easy to chase enemies. As a tank that has high blood, this hero also has fairly decent damage. So this hero is very strong and annoying when meeting because it is difficult to kill him and he can easily approach and attack you easily.


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Hylos is a tank hero who can buff Movement speed up to friends and lower it to opponents. This hero is a durable hero. because the blood will increase with which one increases.

So because this hero is a tank mage where the items add mana, his blood will also increase rapidly. This hero can create a path that can increase the movement speed of your friends and has skills that can damage nearby enemies, making it inflict additional damage on enemies.


Khufra is a Tank hero with CC and a skil initiate that is perfect for getting into the crowd of the enemy team. With a skill that can attack the enemy, it allows him to open a team fight easily, after that with a skill that turns it into a ball, inflicts damage on the enemy and provides damage reduction to Khufra himself.

This makes it a very strong tank to withstand enemy attacks. This hero can also have a stun effect on enemies that make them ferocious as support for mobile legends. So this hero is very strong to chase enemies and open teamfight to help your team.


Atlas mobile legends is a tank hero that can damage the area and stun around it and then provide damage reduction as the skill progresses. HEro is very strong in the offlane because he has very strong skills as a fighter. Even so, this hero role is a tank, but you can use it as a Fighter.

With a skill that can stop the enemy’s movement and slam the opponent, which causes them to get additional stun. This causes this hero to be very strong in the offlane. Because the skill can increase his movement speed, this hero can rotate easily.

That’s the list of recommendations for Tank heroes with strong Durability. That way the tanks above are very difficult to beat because usually, they have skills that increase blood, defense or have a Damage reduction effect. This causes them to be difficult to damage and can withstand enemy attacks easily.

Coupled with the completeness of items that allow them to withstand more enemy attacks. Make this hero a good bait and can keep the team from dying. Even so, if you die in the middle of a team fight it’s natural, so it’s understandable that the number of your dead increases a lot.