8 Best LoL Mobile Wild Rift DPS Items

Besides being able to play it well, DPS also has a good build item. The use of good items has a big impact in the game. Because, your stats will increase by using items, and some items also have passive skills that you can take advantage of. Here we will discuss the items in the wild rift that you should know.

ADC must be able to use items well, so that they have high damage when they want to attack the enemy. With a good build item, the damage you have will increase rapidly, and hookan can be a high damage carry on the team. As you know, the carry must be able to lift the team well, in order to win the game.

There are also many items for adc that you can use, depending on the type of adc you are using. Some have a sustain damage type, and some have a burst damage type. Depending on the type of adc you use, the items used are also different.

LoL Mobile Wild Rift’s Best DPS Item

These 8 items can help you use adc. What are the items, you can see below:

  1. Phantom Dancer
  2. Runaan’s Hurricane
  3. Infinity Edge
  4. Bloodthirster
  5. Blades of the Ruined King
  6. Rapid Fire Cannon
  7. Youmuu’s Ghostblade
  8. Shatikk Shiv

It has been summarized by esportsku so that you can read it more easily. By using this item, you can become stronger in dealing damage.

Here we will provide tips about 8 Items for the Best DPS in Wild Rift, which you can try. By using this item, you can make the champion you use has high damage.

Phantom Dancer

Item Stats Effects

+ 25% Critical Rate
+ 45% Attack Speed

  • Spectral Waltz: + 5% Move Speed.
  • Lifeline: If you would take damage that would reduce maximum health below 35%, you first gain a shield that absorbs 240 – 590 (based on level) for 5 seconds (90 second cooldown).

Items suitable for champions with high sustain damage such as ashe or jinx. With this item, you can get a critcal rate and atk speed. Not only that, you can also get additional movement speed, and if you take damage until your blood is below 35%, you will get a shield first to deal with the damage.

Runaan’s Hurricane

Item Stats Effects

+ 25% Critical Rate
+ 45% Attack Speed

  • Wind’s Fury: Attacks strike 2 additional nearby enemies, each dealing 40%. These strikes can Critically Strike and trigger on-hit effects.

Can only be purchased on ranged champions.

Items suitable for attacking multiple enemies at once. This item will help you attack the enemy. You will get a critical rate and atk speed. Not only that, every time you attack, there are 2 additional attacks to different enemies with 40% damage. These attacks can even be critical and can also cause on-hit effects.

Infinity Edge

Item Stats Effects

+60 Attack Damage
+ 25% Critical Rate

Infinity: Critical Strikes deal 230% damage instead of 200%

Items that will increase the attack damage and critical rate of your champions. This item will also increase your critical damage which should be 200% damage to 230% damage. Items suitable for champions who rely on critical.


Item Stats Effects

+65 Attack Damage

  • Bloody: 15% Physical Vamp
  • Bloodsworn: Physical Vamp overheals you, generating a shield that absorbs 40-320 Damage. This shield decays out of combat over 10 seconds

This item can give you life steal from your physical damage. Not only that, this life steal can give you an overheal. So, if your blood is full, the lifesteal you get will be converted into a shield of 40 – 320 damage.

Blades of the Ruined King

Item Stats Effects

+30 Attack Damage
+ 30% Attack Speed

  • Thirst: + 10% Physical Vamp.
  • Ruined Strikes: Attacks deal bonus physical damage equal to 6% of the enemy’s current Health. Deals at least 15 damage, and against monsters deals a max of 60 damage.
  • Drain: Hitting a champion with 3 attacks or abilities deals 30-100 magic damage and steals 25% of their move speed for 3 seconds. (60s Cooldown)

Items that can increase damage and attack speed. You can also get a physical vamp from this item. Every attack you give from your basic attack will result in additional damage of 6% from the remaining blood of the enemy. In addition, if you attack a champion 3 times, you will deal 30-100 magic damage and take 25% of the champion’s movement speed.

Rapid Fire Cannon

Item Stats Effects

+ 25% Critical Rate
+ 35% Attack Speed

  • Hunter’s Swiftness: + 5% Move Speed.
  • Energized: Moving and attacking generates Energy stacks. At max stacks your next attack deals 50-120 bonus magic damage and activates all Energized effects.
  • Firecannon Barrel: Energy stacks charge 25% faster and Energized attacks have 150 bonus Attack Range. Melee attacks gain only 50 range.

This item will give you a critical rate and attack speed. You will get additional movement speed from item effects. Every time you walk, you will collect energy. If that energy is full, you will give additional damage to your basic attack. Not only that, but your attack range will be increased, allowing you to shoot even further.

Youmuu’s Ghostblade

Stats Effects

+50 Attack Damage
+ 10% Cooldown Reduction

  • Slice: +10 Armor Penetration.
  • Momentum: Moving builds Momentum, granting a max of 50 Move Speed ​​at 100 stacks. Attacks expend all Momentum to deal bonus magic damage equal to the number of stacks. Momentum decays while movement is impaired.
  • Spectral Haste: Attacks that expend max Momentum grant 25% Attack Speed ​​for 4 seconds.

Items that will give you additional damage and cooldown reduction. This item also has armor penetration to penetrate enemy armor. This item will give you additional movement speed with a maximum of 100. You will also get 25% atk speed when the stack is full for 4 seconds.

Shatikk Shiv

Item Stats Effects

+ 25% Critical Strike
+ 35% Attack Speed

  • Electric: + 5% Move Speed
  • Energized: Moving and attacking generates Energy stacks. At max stacks your next attack deals 50-120 bonus magic damage and activates all Energized effects.
  • Shiv Lighting: Energized attacks bounce up to 5 nearby enemies, and each hit can crit.

This item gives you critical strike and attack speed. This item will also give you additional movement speed and energized effects. Energized is almost the same as Rapid Cannon. However, if the stack is full, your attack will not increase the range, but can spread to 5 enemies around it. Each of these attacks can also provide critical.

Those are tips about 8 Items for the Best DPS in Wild Rift, which you can try. By using these items, you can deal high damage as a carry on the team. Also Follow Our Social Media on Instagram Esportsku!

Adithya https://esportsku.com

Almost active in all MOBA and ARTS games, also enthusiastic about JRPG, Monster Hunter, and SoulsBorne. Active in FPS too like R6 and Valorant.