8 ML Strong Heroes Often Played in Season 16 of Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games in Indonesia. This game has a pretty good rating and a very large number of players. In it there are also various kinds of heroes and hero combinations that you can use when playing mobile legends. Well, this time there are 8 ML Strong Heroes Often Played in Season 16 of Mobile Legends that you should try when playing.

So at the start of season 16, of course, the meta mobile legends will change. Because every new season, Moonton always presents updates. In addition, they also provide several improvements to certain heroes that make the meta hero rotation in mobile legends change. Therefore, you must know about meta heroes and mobile legends roles that you can play right now

There are some of the most popular and often played heroes in Season 16 at the moment. For the record, Moonton also provides 6 hero options that must be banned in Epic Rank and above. (Before 4 heroes only). So because of course it can make meta change.


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Gusion is finally out in the banned zone. Previously, this hybrid mage assassin hero was difficult to play because he was often included in the banned list. But lately Gusion has been able to escape and has become one of the heroes that is often played in season 16.


Atlas is indeed quite difficult to play. Not infrequently this hero is also banned by players. However, the atlas is highly sought after to be played. Not infrequently this one tank gets a first pick because of its promising strength.


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There are two marksman that is often played in this Season 16. So one of them is Karrie. I don’t know why some of the previous marksman heroes like Granger and Burno have left the meta this time. As their replacements, Karrie and Wan Wan stepped in to replace them.

Wan Wan

Hero Mobile legends Are Often Banned

Wan Wan is certainly in the marksman category that many players choose. This hero has great dexterity, making it very slippery and hard to kill. But interestingly this one hero is quite rarely banned in the current rankings.


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Kufra is indeed included in the banned hero list. But not very often. This one hero tank is definitely won over by many players. Many epic players and above recommend the Kufra hero as their flagship tank.


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In the previous season, Franco became the favorite Tank hero of ML players. This one hero is very often chosen by players because of his hook skills which are very useful for teams. But interestingly. Franco has never been on the banned list once in Mobile Legends. Isn’t that interesting?


X.Borg seems to have never been included in the hero who is devoid of enthusiasts. This one hero fighter has successfully become the domination of meta heroes from season 15 yesterday until the beginning of season 16 now.

Although often played. In fact X.Borg escaped the banned list. As a result, many mobile legends players have played it until now.


It was dim at the end of season 15 yesterday. But in fact Guinevere is mostly played at the beginning of this season 16. Metanya is on friendly terms with a fighter hero based on this magic item.

Guinvere is a fighter who can be counted on as the initiator in Mobile Legends. The skill itself is quite dangerous because it has a knock-up effect to high enough damage.

So that’s 8 ML Strong Heroes Often Played in Season 16 of Mobile Legends at this time. Several other heroes are included in the banned list, such as Ling, Nana, Pharsa, and others, which we will discuss in the next Top Banned hero theme.