Device Overheat Issue in Free Fire That Players Must Know!

Free Fire offers you many interesting things to utilize. And for those who play Free Fire recently, there’s always some updates that players can enjoy in the game. There’s also a character feature that players can choose in the game. Free Fire will always get better as time goes by, in order to gain more users every time. Garena as the developer of the game, is always updating and renewing the game as time goes by. Some of the features that is always updated is the characters in Free Fire. Garena will also held many events for the players to join. However, playing Free Fire requires some energy from your device, and your device will often overheat. Here we have some tips to solve the device overheat issue in Free Fire that you need to know.

We also have some tips on how to play Free Fire with a stable connection here.

Device Overheat Issue in Free Fire

Playing Free Fire requires a quite huge energy from your device, so overheating while playing Free Fire is a common thing that low spec device users often experience.

Been Used for Too Long

In a single day, you have to admit that your smartphone is always on and you always use it most of the time. The device’s performance can slow down if you’re using the device for too long.

If you use the device and you try to play Free Fire afterwards, your phone will tend to overheat due to the overuse of the device. So try to turn off your phone for 30 minutes, so that the phone can refresh and can be used again.

Low Battery

When your battery is low, the device’s performance will surely be slower. The weaker your device’s performance, the more symptoms that will occur in your device.

If you force your phone to keep playing Free Fire with a low battery, your phone will automatically overheat as a result. Charge your phone for up to 70% or 80%, so that you will play Free Fire with an optimal device performance.

Make Sure Your Battery is Full

If your battery is full, of course the device performance will get better if you run an app. Other than that, you don’t have to worry of overheating anymore if you want to play Free Fire.

RAM Overload

RAM is the device’s capacity limit to run an app in the device. If there are multiple apps that runs in one device, the device will tend to overheat even more, and it will also consume more battery.

Don’t Play While Charging

If you play Free Fire while charging your device, it will definitely affect your device’s performance and it can easily overheat. It’s because your battery requires extra energy to run the app. And at the same time, there is an incoming energy coming in from the charger. Therefore, it can cause overheating.

Erase Cache

The last thing that you can do to avoid overheating is to erase your cache in the Free Fire app. Cache is a junk file that is practically useless in the app, so you won’t lose something after you erase it. Cache can fill up the Free Fire application file. Therefore, it can cause overheating as you play Free Fire, due to the extra energy that the device needs to run a huge app.

And that’s some of the tips to solve overheating in Free Fire that you can try in your device. Good luck and don’t forget to follow my esports!