Effective Way of VSS Free Fire, Forgotten Sniper Rifles FF

The large selection of weapons in Free Fire will certainly add to the excitement and choice of players. With so many categories available in Free Fire, of course, players can decide how they want to play. Both melee and long range players certainly have a choice of weapons that are suitable.

With these many choices, you can also form a better playing strategy. In addition, with this, of course, you can also become a benchmark for buying or using characters that are suitable for your game. Of course, weapons in Free Fire will be a very important factor.

But even though the weapon category in Free Fire is designed for the benefit of a certain condition, there is one strange weapon. VSS is an SMG weapon which is oddly more suitable for use like a sniper. The reason this weapon is included in the SMG is because VSS uses small caliber bullets, but with a large scope and distance, this weapon is included in the sniper weapon category.

Here we will provide an effective way of VSS Free Fire so that you can use this weapon with your highest potential. Often underestimated, but this weapon holds very high potential for those of you who like to use weapons like VSS.


VSS is Senjaya which is quite strange. Even though it has a built-in scope that is quite far away, maybe this weapon can be said as a sniper weapon. But with a small caliber and of course not much damage, this weapon fits into the SMG category. In fact, you could say this weapon is an SMG weapon with the smallest DPS in Free Fire and a sniper weapon with the smallest DPS too. This heavy weapon is often forgotten by many.


VSS is an SMG weapon that is not very suitable for use at close range. But this weapon is not that strong at long distances thanks to its small damage. VSS is more suitable to be said as a semi support weapon or a dealer damage weapon if you can do a good aim. VSS is more suitable for use as a poke weapon from afar and makes enemies dying who will later be killed at close range. This weapon is also great for protecting friends.


VSS, which has small damage, should not be used as a main damage weapon, but as a long-range poke weapon, Moco can use it. By playing in a good squad, Moco can use this weapon as a semi-support weapon to mark opponents with his skills. Very good as a squad weapon.


If you want to play more aggressively with continuous damage then Nikita is the right character here. He can do damage continuously with very fast reloading. By playing continuously without stopping, of course VSS can be a very deadly weapon.

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That’s the effective way to use VSS on Free Fire. The SMG which is suitable to be said as a sniper weapon can have high potential if used properly. Very dangerous if used by a good aimer, VSS is a very dangerous weapon.

Adithya https://esportsku.com

Almost active in all MOBA and ARTS games, also enthusiastic about JRPG, Monster Hunter, and SoulsBorne. Active in FPS too like R6 and Valorant.