Following are the Team Invited Directly to MLG Las Vegas

MLG has officially announced that eight teams will be invited directly to the MLG Vegas tournament for a total prize pool of $ 100,000. The 3-day tournament will be held at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, from December 16-18.

MLG Vegas Overwatch Teams

  • FaZe Clan
  • Cloud9
  • NRG eSports
  • Rise Nation
  • Fnatic
  • EnVyUs Team
  • Team Liquid
  • compLexity

If you look at the team list above, everyone hopes that an interesting match will take place between the teams. Some of these teams are quite busy, for example Cloud 9 recently made changes to the roster list by choosing Ruben “ryb” Ljungdahl and Randal “Roolf” Stark as tankers and support. In addition, the EnVyUs & NRG team will participate in the APAC Premier tournament in China.