Get to Know the Explanation of Config PUBG Mobile Before Using It!

It is impossible for everyone to want to replace their device or smartphone with higher specifications just because of the difficulty of playing PUBG Mobile with graphics that are not what they want, unless that person is a competitive player in PUBG Mobile.

Some players finally retire or stop playing this game because their smartphones are no longer strong with updates and graphics from PUBG Mobile which are constantly changing with increasingly large sizes.

However, behind it all, it turns out that there are players who use other methods to stay in PUBG Mobile without having to replace smartphones, namely by using Config.

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Well, exactly what is Config? What’s in it? What can be changed? To find out some basic explanations about the contents of Config PUBG Mobile, see the explanation below!

PUBG Mobile Config Complete explanation



You can change r.UserQualitySetting with the numbers 0 to 5 which respectively have meaning auto, smooth, balanced, HD, HDR, Ultra HD.

Frame Rate

The settings for this frame rate vary, depending on the graphics you are using.

  • r.PUBGDeviceFPSLow = Graphic Smooth
  • r.PUBGDeviceFPSMid = Graphic Balanced
  • r.PUBGDeviceFPSHigh = Graphic HD
  • r.PUBGDeviceFPSHDR = Graphic HDR and Ultra HD

You can fill in the numbers 30, 40, 60, 90, or 120. The higher the number you write, the more likely it is that your smartphone will overheat quickly.

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This setting is adjusted to the screen resolution on the smartphone. The higher the resolution, the bigger the number. Use r.MobileContentScaleFactor.

  • 0.75 = 960 × 540
  • 1.0 = 1280 × 720
  • 1,125 = 1440 × 810
  • 1.25 = 1600 × 900
  • 1.50 = 1920 × 1080
  • 2.0 = 2560 × 1440

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Texture Quality

r.MaterialQualityLevel used to adjust the texture quality in PUBG Mobile. The number used is 0 for smooth or balanced and 1 for HD, HDR, or Ultra HD.

HDR Setting

r.UserHDR Setting used to change styles in PUBG Mobile graphics.

  • 1 = clasic
  • 2 = colorfull
  • 3 = realistic
  • 4 = soft
  • 5 = movie

Lightning Effect

r.BloomQuality used to change the light effect, the numbers used are 1-3.

Shadow Switch

Use r.UserShadowSwitch, this setting functions as a button that can be turned on and off in rendering all shadows of objects in the game. Objects that can generate their own shadows such as trees, buildings, vehicles, player models, zombies, and others except grass and other small leaves that disappear when the player is outside a predetermined distance.

  • 1 = Enable (turn on shadow rendering)
  • 2 = Disable (turn off rendering shadow)

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Based on our explanation above, hopefully this article can help you understand the explanation of Config on PUBG Mobile. Thank you for listening!


I liked playing PUBG Mobile from the early season when there was no RP, but it’s still 11 12 with bots until now hehe