How to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends (ML)

Did you know that in the Mobile Legends game, there are Super Minions that you can use for push lanes? Yup, different from the usual minions, Super Minions have a very large body, so this is how to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends.

Super Minion itself is actually an ordinary minion, Super Minion will usually appear when the game has reached the late game. The goal itself is to be able to make a comeback easily in a match in Mobile Legends.

For this reason, how to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends itself is very important so that you can make an epic comeback in Mobile Legends. This method is one of the tips for you to restore the situation in Mobile Legends.

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide a way to activate Super Minion in Mobile Legends. So that you can make a comeback easily, you should try to activate Super Minion in Mobile Legends in the following way.

How to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends

How to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends (ML)

Actually, it’s very easy to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends, it’s very easy. You only need to know when this Super Minion appears in a match.

Now Super Minion will usually appear on the 12th minute, this time usually starts when the first lord appears in Mobile Legends. To activate it, defeat the lord and Super Minion will activate.

Together with the lord, Super Minion will accompany you to push in Mobile Legends. In this way, you can use Super Minions to help restore things to Mobile Legends.

The benefits of Super Minion are of course quite a lot. By using Super Minion, you don’t need to worry about the clearlane of the entire lane. The reason is, this Super Minion ability can clean up many enemy minions at once.

So that it can provide every existing lane. Super Minions are very thick and have high HP, and it will be difficult to clean even if you use a hero core. Opponents need a lot of time to defeat him.

But unfortunately, besides being able to provide opportunities to push, Super Minion also has quite a lot of exp and gold resources. This can be used by your opponents in Mobile Legends.

For heroes who successfully kill Super Minions, they will get enough exp and gold and of course their own resources are more than ordinary minions. But this can also benefit both the opponent and the team itself.

So that’s it for tips on how to activate Super Minions in Mobile Legends. Hopefully, the presence of the reviews above can be useful for you in the game. So for those of you who want to get other interesting tips about the Mobile Legends game, make sure to always visit my Esports!