How to Change Xiaomi Clock Like iOS

For Xiaomi smartphone users, of course the term “oprek” no longer sounds strange. Many of them feel bored with the appearance or performance of Xiaomi that they get and try to change it so that it looks more attractive.

One of the most sought-after and desired mods by Xiaomi smartphone users is to change the watch located on the top right side of the smartphone to the center like an iPhone smartphone.

Having a watch face in the middle certainly looks very refreshing on a Xiaomi smartphone. Moreover, now the iPhone is a smartphone that has enough value, causing many Xiaomi users to want to look like iOS.

Even so, unfortunately Xiaomi does not allow us to adjust the placement of the clock to be in the middle. Therefore, the only step that can be done is to do it with the help of third-party applications.

Because it requires the help of third-party applications, making various versions of MIUI work. At least, you must have MIUI 7 and above in order to enjoy and mod the clock in the middle of this.

Requirements for iOS Middle Clock Mod

Before doing the middle clock mod like an iPhone smartphone, there are a number of conditions that you must fulfill beforehand, including:

  • The Xiaomi smartphone is in a bootloader unlocked state
  • TWRP Recovery is installed
  • Perform MIUI ROM backup
  • On various Xiaomi smartphones that have bangs, not all of them can

After knowing what conditions must be met, after that you can take steps to move your Xiaomi smartphone watch like an iPhone.

How to Move Xiaomi Clock Similar to iOS iPhone

  • Download the various files needed. you can download it here and adjust it to your smartphone type
  • If there isn’t, it means you can’t do this mod
  • If there is, you can immediately download it and place the file on the smartphone’s internal memory
  • Enter TWRP mode
  • In TWRP mode, you can immediately install the middle clock mod file like iOS
  • To continue the install process, you can immediately do a right swipe
  • Reboot your smartphone
  • See if the clock is in the middle or not

With these easy steps, you can put your watch in the middle like an iPhone now. Of course, this watch will be very interesting because it is different from your friends who also use Xiaomi smartphones.

But keep in mind, do this step wisely. Don’t just because you want to look cool, you do this mod without considering everything and cause your Xiaomi smartphone to be in trouble.

Even so, still the middle clock mod like the iPhone is very interesting to try, especially on MIUI 7 and above who can already feel it directly.