How to get a free Samsung Galaxy A71 on Merdeka Free Fire (FF)

For now there are ways to get a free Samsung Galaxy A71 at Merdeka Free Fire (FF), of course we can get this prize on the peak day of Mernear this year. Soon the Free Fire game will also have a big event too, so of course things like this are very important. Especially later when the Merdeka peak day event, we can get cool prizes.

The event that is presented in the Free Fire game is indeed quite good and very interesting for us to try. Of course that way you also shouldn’t forget, what will be presented in this Free Fire game when the event takes place. For now, we have the Free Fire Independence Event, where there are many prizes that we can get.

How to Get a Free Fire Samsung Galaxy A71

On Peak Day Merdeka, the Free Fire game will be coming soon, in Indonesia we will have lots of cool events and the Elite Police FF Bundle will be here at the Free Fire Magic Shop. Of course with that, don’t forget things like this. Because of this gift, it is quite beneficial for us later. Not only in the game, but we can also get this prize in the real world later.

So on that peak day, we will be able to get a gift for the Samsung Galaxy A71 cellphone just by playing on Peak day. Of course that way all of you Free Fire game players will not be able to miss the event. Because the prizes that will be given at this event too, are quite good and very cool.

Get FF Free Mobile Immediately

To be able to get this prize too, it’s easy and we can do it quickly too. Of course this will be one of the things that is quite profitable, at the current Booyah Merdeka event. You can also use these prizes later, either to play Free Fire or other things that are very useful.

The following is an explanation, how to get the Samsung Galaxy A71 for free on Merdeka Free Fire (FF)

  1. The Samsung Galaxy A71 only has 45 pieces, so you could say only 45 players got it
  2. Playing the Free Fire game is as usual, later this HP Prize will appear randomly in the game
  3. Players who are lucky with this, can get 1 unit of the Samsung Galaxy A71 cellphone
  4. The original price of the Samsung Galaxy A71 is around 6 million and above
  5. To be able to get these prizes, you have to play on August 17, 2020 to coincide with Peak Day.

The prizes that are being presented right now are indeed very good, of course you all can’t miss it. So it is very likely that there will be many Free Fire players coming, to be able to fight for this prize on Peak Day. Hopefully this game server will not drop and we can enjoy it smoothly.

Every event that is presented in this Free Fire game is indeed quite good and very interesting. Of course that way all of you, don’t forget about that. Because of this given update and the prize too, it will definitely benefit us all. So basically you can’t go through all of these things.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

Oh yes, all of you too, don’t forget to Follow Us on my Esports Instagram. So that you know the updates to the Free Fire game and others.