How to Get Down with the Latest Free Fire (FF) Squad

Players must know that currently there is a way to go down with Squad Free Fire (FF), so that later you won’t be separated again to make landings. This method is indeed quite effective for you to try, especially since the features provided by Garena are quite cool. So that you can be safer, and you won’t lose easily if you are always with the team later too.

Especially from the information that is present now, maybe Kalina will also be more prepared with all of that information. Because indeed what we know today, the Update on the Free Fire Advanced Server has also brought many interesting things to try. That way you have to be prepared, because indeed those who are present are quite guiding the players.

Especially from some of the news that is present now, Kalina must be able to know all of that. Listen directly to this explanation, in the article below right now.

Down with the Team in Free Fire feature

How to get down with the Free Fire Squad

Those of you who play with random players will definitely find it very difficult, when you want to go down to determine a place in looting, of course. There are some who go very far, so that those who deliberately use us to gather and other problems. Now it turns out that for now, you can find out how to get off with Squad Free Fire, finally Garena FF has also made it.

Of course with things like this, make sure you really can’t ignore all of these things. Because what we know is that this feature is down, we need to make good use of it. Moreover, you also know how to land Free Fire later. With things like that, surely Kalina will be even more prepared and won’t want to miss a lot.

Still Experiment!

How to get down with Squad Free Fire (FF) is reportedly still in the experimental stage first, it doesn’t mean that it will be present immediately when the maintenance of this game has appeared, huh. Because what we also know is that this feature will indeed bring a pretty good compactness too. So that the team does not separate when they are down again and can still play together as a strong team.

How to get down with the Free Fire Squad

You can spread it, just don’t get more than 150 meters as a way to get down with this Free Fire Squad. Because if it reaches that much, it is certain that one of your team members will die quickly because it is too far to be on Revive. Even though you go there using the Best Free Fire Vehicle, of course it’s not really possible. Especially if it turns out to be a trap from the enemy to make you come.

Later you can choose who you want to go down with, for example Player 2, and at that time you have to be with Player 2 to get off. But we will provide a way, where you have to choose a leader or leader on the team. If you don’t have it, then you must know the Importance of a Chair in Free Fire so that you can be well managed by him later.

If the team doesn’t have a Captain, it will be chaotic and we will lose the match faster. So the feature on how to get off with Squad FF will make you have to know and understand FF roles in playing this free fire game too.

Especially from the new information about Free Fire’s Latest Pet Beastons that are on the Advanced Server now. Surely you really shouldn’t forget, to get him when playing later. Because what we know is that this Pet is quite strong, and indeed deadly for throwing item users in the Free Fire game.

Oh yes, all of you too, don’t forget to Follow Us on my Esports Instagram. So that you know the updates – updates to the Free Fire game and others.