How to Get Grenade Yeti Buddy Free Fire (FF) Skin

We have to know how to get a Grenade Yeti Buddy Free Fire (FF) skin, this will be one of the skins that is quite interesting to get. Of course you can’t, to the point of skipping this too.

Because the events that are present at the Free Fire game now, provide enough new and interesting things to try later. Don’t miss it, all the events that are already present in Free Fire.

Especially for that time as well as the Operation Chrono Event, now there is already a little more time before it is finished. Before the event is over, those of us who have not tried the event can immediately gas right now.

Many attractive prizes that we can indeed get, if we take part in this latest event now. So you really shouldn’t forget, to finish all the events that are currently present.

Especially the players will have Skin Grenade Yeti, if they are successful they also complete the mission that appears now. Check out the explanation directly, in the article below.

How to Get Grenade Yeti Buddy Free Fire (FF) Skin

For now we can get the Skin, in a very easy way, where you have to go around on this Remastered Bermuda Map. Then you can immediately get the Skin Grenade grand prize later.

The newest skin from Grenade Yeti is indeed a special one, because now the Bermuda Remastered Calendar Event is here. So you can find out other information, about the latest event in the future.

Don’t miss all these new events, because from all these events we can get lots of prizes that are useful for the future. Drive around up to 50 thousand meters, to get the Grenade Skin.

Easy right? So we just need to wait for the event to start appearing in this Free Fire game. The problem is that on January 1 to 10, 2021, this event is present simultaneously on the Indonesian Server to be completed.

Surely you will get a fairly large profit, if you participate in this new event too. Because this gift, it is not bad to give the most useful thing to be obtained by all of you later.

Don’t forget that in this traveling event, we will also get other things such as Universal Free Fire Fragments which total up to 50 pieces if you manage to explore up to 10 thousand meters in the new map.

Then followed by 3 pieces of Gun Box Warriors Spirit Free Fire, if you manage to explore this map up to 25 thousand meters. By participating in an event like that, you will indeed have a good prize.

Hopefully, from the Gun Box, you can get Permanent prizes from cool weapon skins besides getting Grenade later.

This event started because the new map has not been presented yet, you should be able to know that the Bermuda Remastered Total Map Downloads, of course, can be downloaded for now.

After it has been downloaded later, you can immediately try this map when it is released on the 1st.

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Every player must have a different spirit when completing this event. Then don’t miss the important thing, when you get the Grenade Skin. Understand How to Use Free Fire Grenades, so that later they can be even more deadly.

If you miss it, then you yourself will die.

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