Leaks of the latest Free Fire Skull-style hitting skin FF in May 2020

For now, there are a lot of Battle Royale games that are present on Android. Even all of you right now, can try the game Free Fire which is quite famous. Because for this game, it has indeed been proven to be a busy game. Where the total player alone, reached more than 250 million. This time there is a leak of the latest May 2020 Free Fire skull hitter skin FF, which you can get later.

When you compete in this Free Fire game, you definitely really need something called a weapon. At this very moment, there are various types of Free Fire Weapons that you should know. If you don’t want to know, then don’t choose a weapon wrong.

In addition to weapons used to fight remotely, it turns out that there are also weapons with a melee attack type. Usually referred to as Melee Weapons, most of these weapons have great damage from close range. Even so, Melee is easier to counter.

For now, there are some deadly melee weapons that you can use. Guaranteed, if the main weapon’s bullets run out again, it will turn out to be deadly using the Melee Weapon. Even so, remember to always be close to the enemy if you want to attack.

Also Read: Leaked Stat of the Latest FF Weapon M82B Sniper Free Fire, More Than AWM?

At this very moment, on the external Free Fire server there is a new leak related to Skull’s friend again. Even though it has just appeared and is already visible, it turns out that this will be owned by Free Fire’s Deadly Bat Weapon.

Intrigued by the shape? Immediately refer to the article below.

Leaks of the Latest Free Fire Skin Bat

As we know, the Bat is a type of baseball stroke that is specially made for hitting a hard ball. Besides being strong in the real world, it turns out that this Bat is very deadly in the Free Fire game. The damage dealt too, is quite deadly at close range.

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But in this case, the Melee Pan Deadly Weapon is still on top of the Bat. So if, for example, you are fighting using Melee, try to be able to fight against the Pan user. Although strong, Pan is also sure to be defeated easily with Bat.

Baseball Bat Skin With Skull Pattern

On the current Brazilian server, there are a few people who managed to see the latest leak of the cool Bat Skin. Even though it is classified as a new skin, it appears that this weapon still has something to do with the Skull Theme.

The shape of this melee weapon skin changes all its views and forms. Usually the Skin from the Bat only changes the color, and there are accessories that don’t change the shape of the Bat. But for this one, it turns out that there is a change in the shape of the skin too.

For the body of this Bat, it turns into a stick-like shape with the appearance of a Red Hand. And at the top too, it turns out that there is a ball that is being held. With a Skull symbol, on the sphere.

With an appearance like this, it’s guaranteed that you will also win without fear of losing. Anyway, this skin is the best for melee weapons ever.

If you use Melee Weapons, you must be able to control them properly. Now, there are some tips for using melee in the last zone. Guaranteed you will later, even if you use weapons like that.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

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