Lobe ML Gameplay, New Mage Hero Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends is one of the games that is always active in presenting new heroes every month. After we arrived, Barats, Protti, Benedetta, on the Advanced Server, now the arrival of the Lobe hero who is a mage and the gameplay itself has appeared in Mobile Legends.

The leak for Lobe’s new hero before, but at the moment there are still just how many leaks. However, they haven’t entered the Gameplay of the Loba hero. One of the well-known YouTubers, Patrick, provides gameplay for Lobe’s new hero in Mobile Legends.

On this occasion we will discuss the gameplay for the Lobe hero who is a mage hero in Mobile Legends. So here is a complete review for the new Lobe hero as follows.

Gameplay of Lobe’s New Hero Mage in Mobile Legends

Lobe has a very unique appearance, this new hero mage has a color design that is quite creepy but unique and cool.

The way he walks himself is quite the same as Eudora’s hero who floats and doesn’t tread, this one hero has the ability to fly. For the roll itself, it is included in the Poke type, which is quite safe like the Change hero and also Nana.

In terms of appearance, has a bright purple color and has a human form, Lobe has a mysterious ability which is the same star power as Protti.

The ability to inflict damage on opponents is quite large which you can see in the Lobe gameplay video above.

The most interesting thing is in the skill section it has, which seems to be quite difficult to play.


Lobe ML Gameplay, New Mage Hero Mobile Legends

In his first skill, Lobe will attack the opponent by giving magic damage which is quite small, but for his second skill he deals enormous damage.

In this second skill, the damage can be moved in the direction you want, which one hero is very suitable for use in team fight.

Both of these skills can be said to be able to repay your opponent but it is quite a shame that this one hero does not have the skills to escape, which only has offensive skills.

The ultimate skill itself is quite interesting, where you have to be fast in making movements. Lobe takes out a chess-like board where you have to press each of these squares to deal an attack.

Each box has time that you can use and you can only fill 15 boxes on the board to attack your opponent.

You could say this attack is quite complicated for novice players who must have fast hand movements to attack their opponents.

So that’s the gameplay of Lobe hero who is a new mage in Mobile Legends. What do you think about the new hero this time? After Protti is released, later you can play this hero on the Original Server.

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