Moco FF Characters Duet With These Free Fire Characters!

Players of the Free Fire game will certainly be familiar with a character named Moco. This character is a very good Free Fire character and has very beneficial abilities, be it for playing Solo or playing with Squad. There are several Moco FF Duet Characters with other Free Fire Characters so that they can be maximized in battle.

Moco’s character is also one of the favorite characters to play in Solo Mode. This character is perfect for being used as a scout or playing defensively. This is what causes Moco to be so strong in the Solo game.

Moco FF characters

This ability possessed by Moco will maintain the location of the enemy for a few seconds if you manage to hit the enemy. This will be an ability that is very beneficial if you are defending.

You can also make the Moco FF character further stronger with the skills you can get from other characters in Free Fire.

The abilities that we will suggest come from very strong characters. With this ability, it is guaranteed that Moco can become stronger in playing Solo or Squad.

In this explanation, we will provide several skill combinations that are suitable for Moco Free Fire.

Immediately, we are in the article below.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Moco Free Fire Character

The Strengths of Moco FF Character

You can leave enemy marks in a short amount of time. This can be beneficial

  • Become a pretty good support in playing Squad
  • Enemies that have been marked are still visible even if they are hiding behind a cover

Lack of Moco FF characters

  • Can only mark when it has been hit by a shot
  • It won’t be of much use to the team if Moco dies first

Moco FF Characters Duet With These Free Fire Characters

  1. Paloma

Those of you who use the Moco Free Fire character will definitely need short or long range weapons such as the Assasult Rifle. We recommend that you use the Paloma Character for this.

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With this ability, you can carry Assault Rifle bullets without fear of filling the capacity of your bag. Later you can also freely boot.

  1. Andrew

If the Moco FF character is added with a strong Vest or Helmet, he will become even more resistant when he is in a 1 vs 1 duel. Moreover, you can already see the movements of the enemies shot with this character.

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Even though you pair Andrew’s skills, you also have to be good at playing later so you don’t get killed easily.

  1. Laura

The ability of the Moco Free Fire Character is indeed very beneficial, because it can see the enemy’s movements if the enemy is hit by the Moco Free Fire Character. If you want to really have very high accuracy, the skill of Laura’s character will be one of the very right recommendations.

This skill of Laura’s character can make the shot more accurate when using a scope. With this capability, Moco will be guaranteed to be even more deadly.

So, those are some recommendations for the Moco FF Duet Character with Free Fire Characters. Even so, you also have to be smart and continue to learn to use this character to be more optimal.

Greetings, Booyah.


I prefer to play free fire with friends rather than solo push rank. Because he keeps losing and also likes trolling squad mates