Pros and Cons of FF Silencer Items in Free Fire

Free Fire players must know the advantages and disadvantages of FF silencer items in Free Fire, which is one of the things we need to know when using them. This should serve us quite well when using weapons. So don’t you all forget, to feel all things like this huh. Because indeed, this attachment is quite good and very interesting.

Especially in the future, the attachments that are presented to this game might increase to be more. So you can immediately try it later, if it is true that it will be released directly again. We should also understand that for attachments, it is an item that cannot be missed because it is important for weapons.

Right now Silencer is still one of the best attachments, which will indeed help us all when fighting enemies. But you also have to know the important part, the advantages and disadvantages when using this attachment. Should we pay attention, curious? Immediately, we see the explanation in the article below.

Pros and Cons of Silencer Free Fire


For the excess part, it means that you can say the profitable part when we use it. So for this part, of course we all know what Silencer gave in the game Free Fire. So for this attachment, we will later get an advantage when shooting enemies.

So when you shoot the enemy, the sound of your weapon will not be heard loud. You could say this attachment is one of the dampening items in the Free Fire game, where it will help us stay hidden. The enemy will not easily know the location when we shoot, if you use the name Silencer.

Moreover, from this item, the bullets you shoot are straighter and are certainly more frequently hit by enemies. The abilities provided by this Silencer item are indeed good and will definitely help you to later compete against enemies. Your voice position will not be able to be found, even though the enemy is also looking at the map because there is no shooting icon.


Every item must have flaws too, yup this is indeed owned by Silencer too. Even though the abilities given can make us stronger, there is a weakness that must be dealt with. So for this part of the downside, the weapon that uses a Silencer will definitely be slower to fire.

The rate of fire will definitely decrease if you use this attachment, not only that, it turns out that the damage can also be hit. You must be able to face this later, because Silencer will not always help you to compete. Don’t forget that, because this attachment is quite good and very fun to try.

For these shortcomings it can be overcome easily, so you try to know first what makes this silencer item have its mines. So far, the Attachment Silencer lacks only 2. So all of you have to be able, know this and get used to it huh.

Attachments are one of the best items, where we can become even stronger when we compete later. Moreover, from all of this, you will find it easier to use these weapons. But for now, know first if, for example, there are Strengths and Weaknesses of the Silencer.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

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