Recap of M2 Mobile Legends Playoff Day 2 Results

The end of M2 provided many surprises for various teams and fans of Mobile Legends. The teams that are considered favorites are eliminated until the game that can make an open space every time they watch, there are all. The following is a recap of the results of the M2 Mobile Legends playoff day 2.

The teams that took part in today’s playoffs were not just a random team. They are a strong team that certainly has a great opportunity to become champions. Unfortunately some have to go out for something to go up.

If you are left behind watching this M2 playoff or want a quick explanation, we will provide it below. It’s quite interesting considering that there are many exciting things happening in this playoff.

Immediately, let’s discuss for those who are impatient. We provide a recap of the results of M2 Mobile Legends playoff day 2 below for you to enjoy. This exciting game, you must watch the VOD.

Recap of M2 Mobile Legends Playoff Day 2 Results

The game was opened and closed by the Indonesian team against the Philippines. Alter Ego, Omega, and Bren are the teams that enter here. Unfortunately, some of these favorite teams have to fall and leave M2.

Alter Ego VS Omega Esports

Alter Ego won the opening match with an easy score of 2-0. This is thanks to Yam and Pai’s brilliant play which made a big impact. Alter Ego has no trouble fighting Omega here.

Bren Esports VS Todak

With a difficult start, Bren was able to turn things around with a score of 2-1. In the first game, Bren had a hard time fighting Todak’s hyper carry, Ciku. But in the second and third games, somehow Todak replaced the strat that didn’t work properly.

RRQ VS Burmese Ghouls

RubyDD is crazy and RRQ can’t stop this one player. With an initial 2-0 score for BG, RRQ seemed to lose hope. But RRQ managed to balance the score 2-2 before BG won again to 3-2. RRQ must move down to the lower bracket.

Alter Ego VS Bren Esports

Not playing games Bren repeat their journey like against Todak. Comeback when played in the first game, the Filipino representative immediately got up and bit Alter Ego back with a score of 2-1. They will fight RRQ in the lower bracket.

For tomorrow we will see the BO5 match between RRQ and Bren which will be followed by the winner in the final against Burmese Ghouls. Surely whoever wins is the best in M2 until the final.

That’s the recap of M2 Mobile Legends playoff day 2 results for those of you who are curious about day 2. It was quite surprising for some teams whose performance suddenly went up and down. Omega and Alter Ego leave, Bren, RRQ, and BG keep going.

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