Strengths and Weaknesses of Alice Mobile Legends (ML)

You have to know the strengths and weaknesses of Alice Mobile Legend in order to play this hero well. Alice is one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who has received a recent revamp. After getting a revamp and a slight change in the use of her ultimate skill, making Alice more popular in the current meta season. Even so, there are still advantages and disadvantages of Alice in Mobile Legends.

Playing Alice can indeed be said to be quite difficult because you have to use every existing skill well. To be able to maximize each skill you have, of course you as the user must understand each skill first. When you can master the ins and outs of Alice’s skills well, automatically when you use Alice in a gameplay, all of her skills can be utilized easily,

On this occasion, Eportsku will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Alice Mobile Legends. Now for those of you who are curious and want to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of this one hero mage in a gameplay, let’s just take a look at the full discussion below!

Strengths and Weaknesses of Alice in Mobile Legends

In Mobile Legends, there are many heroes available and divided into several roles. Each hero role, of course, has its own advantages and disadvantages. Alice is the hero of the mage role in Mobile Legends, where at this time we will review the advantages and disadvantages of this mage hero.

Esportsku itself has made several lists of Alice’s strengths and weaknesses in Mobile Legends. With this information, it is hoped that you can understand Alice more so that you can make the most of her in a gameplay. You can see the list itself below!

Alice’s strengths

  • Have a Good Lifesteal Ability
  • Has Good Mobility
  • Has a good level of durability
  • Suitable for Team Fight
  • Very Flexible

Lack of Alice

  • Quite Weak in the Early Game
  • Very Dependent on Lifesteal Skills
  • Use of Difficult Skills
  • Requires Items to Increase Damage
  • Weak Against Hero Crowd Control

So, those are the advantages and disadvantages of Alice in Mobile Legends. With the information above, you can find out what things can make Alice weak in gameplay. For a detailed explanation of each of the points listed above, you can see them below!

The strengths of Alice Mobile Legends

the advantages and disadvantages of alice mobile legeds

Alice has advantages that, if you use it, can make the performance of this one hero mage maximal. Besides that, Alice can also become stronger when you can maximize her attack skills and passive skills in gameplay. For its own advantages, we will review it in full below!

Have a Good Lifesteal Ability

Alice is one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who is given skills with lifesteal abilities to become her mainstay skills in gameplay. This skill with his lifesteal ability can make Alice stronger if used properly. Alice will be difficult to kill because there is a HP regen that she keeps getting when using her ultimate skill. It is highly recommended for you to be able to maximize the use of your ultimate skill so that your opponent becomes difficult when facing you.

Has Good Mobility

Alice herself is also equipped with the skills to blink in gameplay. This skill makes it better in mobility because it can move places quickly. Besides that, you need to know that there are two options to maximize this one skill. First, you can use it to clear lane while giving poke damage to your opponent. Both of you can take advantage of this one skill to escape from your opponent’s pursuit.

Has a good level of durability

Alice herself is also one of the mage heroes in Mobile Legends who has a high level of durability. Unlike most mage heroes in Mobile Legends, the durability level is low. Thanks to her lifesteal ability, Alice can make herself last longer in gameplay. Use the ultimate skill to get the HP regen effect when a war occurs. You can also use it on minions just to regenerate the lost cellphone. From the passive skill itself, there will also be an additional max mana and max HP from each stack collected.

Suitable for Team Fight

Alice also has a great use of helping the team when there is a war in a gameplay. Thanks to the Blink skill and her Ultimate skill in the form of a damage area, Alice can become a damage dealer for her team. The damage generated from his attack skills is quite large. Therefore, make sure to always help every war that exists so that your team can win it easily.

Very Flexible

You can play Alice into two roles in Mobile Legends. You can play it as an offlaner or as a mid laner. Alice has a high level of durability so it is suitable for use as an offlaner. High damage and fast cooldown skills also make it suitable for filling the mid laner section as a mage hero.

Lack of Alice in Mobile Legends

the advantages and disadvantages of alice mobile legeds

Not only does Alice have advantages, Alice also has its own drawbacks. As a user, of course, you have to know what are the flaws in this one hero mage. Don’t worry, we have prepared a complete explanation regarding Alice’s shortcomings. You can see below for a complete discussion!

Quite Weak in the Early Game

Alice’s durability level will increase as the number of stacks she has collected. When in the Early game, Alice is quite weak and can’t play Aggressive. You can only use one skill to do defense and focus on laning in the Early game. Maximize the use of his one skill as well to give poke damage to your opponent. Foksu laning first until the level and stack that you collect is enough to use the skill combo.

Very Dependent on Lifesteal Skills

One of Alice’s weaknesses is that she really depends on her lifesteal skill. Alice’s mainstay skill is her ultimate skill. If this skill is on cooldown he can only survive while using his one skill to give poke damage to the opponent. It is highly recommended to play safely until your ultimate cooldown skill is over. After that you can come back again to attack the enemy totally.

Use of Difficult Skills

Even though it seems simple, in fact using Alice’s own skills is quite difficult. You must have good mechanical skills to be able to use each skill well. Most Alice users often make blunders because of improper or wrong skill usage. This will be fatal to you and end up being killed by your opponent. Avoid things like this in gameplay!

Requires Items to Increase Damage

Alice herself really needs items to increase her damage. Not only that, he also needs a lot of stack to make him even stronger. It is highly recommended to look for the stack first in the early game while maintaining your turret so that it is not attacked by opponents.

Weak Against Hero Crowd Control

Even though she has the skills to blink Alice herself remains weak against crowd control heroes. His movement will be hampered and will be very difficult when facing opponent heroes who have cc skills. It is highly recommended to avoid one-by-one situations with your opponent’s cc heroes, because you will be easy to beat.

Now that’s a complete explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of Alice in Mobile Legends that I have discussed Eports. Read carefully each of the explanations that we have described above so that you can better understand Alice’s hero in Mobile Legends.