Strengths and Weaknesses of Thamuz Mobile Legends

Thamuz is one of the fighter heroes who is currently quite popular to play in the latest season of Mobile Legends. This one hero has various advantages and disadvantages that you should know, especially the Thamuz Mobile Legends user. To maximize the abilities possessed by Thamuz, it doesn’t hurt to listen to the following reviews.

It is undeniable that Thamuz is the best hero in the current meta, Thamuz’s excellence can be said to be able to play various roles in Mobile Legends such as being an offlaner, semi tank and even being a jungler or hypercarry hero by adjusting certain gameplay.

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide several strengths and weaknesses to one of the Thamuz fighter heroes in the Mobile Legends game, now for those of you who are fighter users, especially who often play, or want to learn the Thamuz hero, see the following review.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Thamuz Mobile Legends

Every hero in Mobile Legends has its own strengths and weaknesses, especially for the Thamuz hero, we will describe it according to the author’s experience of playing the Thamuz hero in Mobile Legends.

Thamuz’s strengths

  1. Has Additional High True Damage
  2. Excellent Mobility
  3. Is The Best Offlaner Today
  4. Has Very Strong Durability
  5. The Ultimate OP Skill

Thamuz’s weakness

  1. Lacks Crowd Control
  2. Does not have the Skill Escape Mechanism
  3. Often Becomes the Target of Opponent’s Attack
  4. Not So Beginner Friendly
  5. Very Weak Against CC Opponents

Not only that, Esportsku will also provide an explanation regarding the strengths and weaknesses for the hero Thamzu above according to the author’s experience in playing Thamuz in Mobile Legends.

The strengths of Thamuz in Mobile Legends

Has Additional High True Damage

Thamuz has the advantage of a very unique passive ability, this ability can release lava which gives true damage to nearby opponents. To activate this passive, you can throw Thamuz’s sickle at your opponent then Thamuz will activate the movement speed effect and the additional damage. Usually this method is used by Thamuz users when ambushing opponents.

Excellent Mobility

A fairly good mobility ability is one of the advantages possessed by Thamuz. This mobility is obtained from the first skill when you throw the sickle. Thamuz will get an additional 20% Movement Speed ​​which can be optimal for you to use when running away from opponents and chasing opponents or roaming.

Is The Best Offlaner Today

You could say, Thamuz is one of the best offlanes currently in Mobile Legends. This one hero is often played by pro players in Mobile Legends and becomes a versatile hero fighter, very strong, flexible and very worth it to be played, especially in the current season in Mobile Legends.

Has Very Strong Durability

Very strong durability is one of the advantages that Thamuz has in the Mobile Legends game, this ability can be obtained both from items and Thamuz’s playing style. Yes, Thamuz is very resistant to gangking and has a fairly heavy lifesteal, with the addition of a very good build item, it can maximize Thamuz’s abilities when you play in Mobile Legends.

The Ultimate OP Skill

The ability of Thamuz’s ultimate skill can remove the lava that is on Thamuz’s body, provide significant additional damage, movement speed and HP regen, in Ultimate Thamuz mode it has an unbeatable ability, especially with a long enough duration from the ultimate to help you survive. deeper in a team fight.

Weaknesses of Thamuz in Mobile Legends

Lacks Crowd Control

Every skill that Thamuz has that is intended for offensive attacks on opponents. None of the Crowd Control abilities can be used to stop the opponent. Even so, there are several effects such as slow that you can use to grip your opponent when making attacks.

Does not have the Skill Escape Mechanism

If you see, all Thamuz players, of course, only rely on the use of battle spells such as flicker when using the Thamuz hero. The flicker is used to minimize weaknesses in this one hero escape skill, which when getting a Thamuz gank is quite overwhelmed and can rely on the flicker. Without flicker, Thamuz will definitely be attacked by opponents!

Often Becomes the Target of Opponent’s Attack

Thamuz often becomes the opponent’s puncher during team fight, even though things can be avoided with your play style when playing, but this is difficult to avoid. Thamuz users are usually quite vulnerable to being targeted by opponents, especially in a team fight.

Not So Beginner Friendly

Although Thamuz’s skill abilities can be said to be quite simple, using passive skills so that they can be optimal when played is quite difficult for you to use. For example, using the first skill that provides additional damage will only activate when you throw Thamuz’s sickle, then passive skills that increase movement speed can only be used when releasing the sickle used by Thamuz, and finally the ability of Ultimate Thamuz which has a fairly close range. requires you to play aggressively in order to have maximum abilities.

Very Weak Against CC Opponents

Thamuz is a fighter hero who is completely without immune or other abilities, in contrast to Chou, Thamuz is very vulnerable to opponent CC attacks, which after getting stun you are definitely confused to come out in that situation without using purify, especially Thamuz’s main battle spell is flicker so that if you get hit with a high CC effect, you just need to give up on it.

So, those are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the hero Thamuz in the Mobile Legends game. Of course, with some of the explanations above, hopefully it will be useful for those of you who are Thamuz users in Mobile Legends. See you and turn off our article about other Mobile Legends games! Stay Tune!