The forbidden hour of pushing ML Rank Mobile Legends

Playing the Mobile Legends game will certainly create a distinct impression, both from the excitement or the challenges. The mode that is often played by Mobile Legends players is Ranked. Because this is a mode where you will determine the ability to play with a Rank level. This time there is a Forbidden Hour to Push ML Rank Mobile Legends

For players who were still starting to play, their rank was Warrior. As for the players who had been playing for a long time, they had most likely reached Mythical Glory.

Mythic is the highest rank level in Mobile Legends, besides that, where the Global Top is located. If you play in this Rank, then don’t be surprised if you meet a Pro Player like Jess No Limit or Brandon Kent.

You also play with friends in the game or with close friends, the excitement that you will get is also very different later. Where a team you already know the abilities and expertise of each.

But have you ever played Solo Rank?

Surely it is very different from playing with ordinary Mabar friends. You will be met by other people in the team, some are pro and some are noob. You must know the Forbidden Hours of Push ML

Surely you will also feel annoyed, if you meet one of the team members who are Noob. Maybe this is because your playing hours are not possible.

On this occasion we will provide some information about dangerous playing times for Solo Rank.

Curious? Immediately, we see the explanation in the article below.

The forbidden hour of pushing ML Rank Mobile Legends

  1. It’s nearing the Reset Season

The Forbidden Hour of Push-ML is indeed something that has often happened, when you Solo Rank is nearing the End of the Season, many players will play Toxic. This is because the leak regarding Rank in the next season has spread.

Therefore, it is also possible that there are many players who play Toxic to spend Stars in their respective ranks. But if you have reached the Mythic Rank, you don’t need to worry, even though your Points run out, it won’t go back to Legend.

  1. During the holiday season

This is the forbidden hour to push ML Rank Mobile Legends once when you play Rank. it is possible that there are lots of kids playing Mobile Legends while on vacation. Not only that, they are also mostly AFK, causing defeat.

But if you want to do Push Rank safely, then play from 11pm to 4am. It is a safe time for Push Rank. But when you play 5 ber with friends, eradicating enemy players is an easy thing.

  1. When it rains hard is the forbidden hour to push ML Rank Mobile Legends

Furthermore, the forbidden time for push rank ml does happen for only a few players, who have cards with weak signals. Usually when it is raining, the signal given is also very bad, causing a very long lag.

This is a forbidden hour to push ML, because the flow of your game will be interrupted and often perform AFK because of the lag.

  1. Monday to Friday (Morning and Afternoon towards Evening)

Not a few boys who play Mobile Legends before they leave for school. There was even a boy who played Mobile Legends while on a motorbike. This is the forbidden time for push rank ml which is very profitable, especially when playing Rank.

From noon to late afternoon, this is also very unfavorable. When they come home from school, the kids will usually take their cellphone right away and play Mobile Legends. For example, the Boy is a Pro, it’s okay, but what happens if Noob? The solution Report.

So, those are some times and situations that are quite dangerous when you want to Push Rank Mobile Legends. What do you think? Do you still want to do the above so Lose Streak?

That’s all we can say, Thank you.


I prefer to play free fire with friends rather than solo push rank. Because he keeps losing and also likes trolling squad mates