The October 2020 Mobile Legends Epic Showcase Skin Leaks

Skin Granger named Agent Z was leaked to be the newest skin for the Epic Showcase event in October 2020.

Granger is one of the best marksman heroes in Mobile Legends today. This one hero is very much favored by Mobile Legends players.

After previously getting a leak that Agent Z’s skin is a skin specifically for Legendary skins in 2021. But the latest news is that this skin will be presented for Epic skin at the Epic Showcase event in October 2020 Mobile Legends.

On this occasion, the epic skin leaks that will be present at the Epic Showcase event in October 2020 Mobile Legends.

The October 2020 Mobile Legends Epic Showcase Skin Leaks

For the edition in October 2020 there is a new skin for the Granger hero will be presented under the name Agent Z.

Maybe you will see this Granger Agent Z skin is very similar to the Legendary Gusion skin. It has an appearance with costumes that look exactly the same but you can get this skin at the Epic Showcase Mobile Legends event.

Still with the same nuance, namely cyborg. Previously, Karrie’s hero had leaked a mecha or cyborg design. This latest Granger Hero skin also applies the same appearance.

So that’s the latest leak for epic skins at the Epic Showcase event which will be present in October 2020.

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