The reason why Olivia is rarely used in Free Fire

Olivia is a character in Free Fire who has support skills. This character is rarely used, because it has less effective skills in various conditions. There are many more reasons why Olivia’s character is not widely used. Here we will discuss about the characters in Free Fire.

There are many interesting features in Free Fire compared to other Battle Royal games. One of them is character. You can choose one of the many characters. Each character has different skills that you can use in Match. You can take advantage of the skills they have when playing, that way attacking enemies becomes easier. However, there are also many characters who have skills that are difficult to use, so not many players use these characters.

One of the characters that is rarely used is Olivia. Olivia is currently rarely used, because she has a skill that is not very useful under certain conditions. Her skill is what many people don’t like.

Olivia’s skill can only be active if she revives her partner. However, if none of his friends knocked him out at all, the skills would be useless. Especially if you play Clash Squad, your presence is not really needed.

Here we will give reasons about the reasons why Olivia is rarely used in Free Fire. This character is rarely used, so it seems that Olivia needs a skill change. At least the skills should be raised or buffed so that they can compete with other characters.

The following are the reasons Olivia is a FF character that is rarely used in free fire:


Olivia’s skill is less effective to use. The scaling is not high enough, and it will be very dangerous to revive in the middle of a war. Other players may think of reviving at the end of a war, or in places where there are no enemies. Because, that way, they can use the medkit to heal them faster.


Olivia’s skills will not be useful, if none of the team is knocked. If someone is knocked, the enemy will kill him immediately. So it would be useless if no one could be reviewed. So, to use the skill, you have to be able to lock it but it is very useless if you do it directly.


As discussed earlier, you can’t use the skill if no one is knocked. If you play solo, there is no player you can revive. That means, it’s the same as you playing without using skills.


What makes the skills difficult to use is that you have to revive them. It will be very difficult if you are in the middle of a war, while you have to revive. This is what makes it difficult for Olivia to revie or use her skills effectively.

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That’s the reason why Olivia is rarely used in Free Fire. This character is quite difficult to use, and has very ineffective skills when used alone. Maybe this is what makes Olivia rarely used, because her skill usage is too difficult to use. Moreover, if you are really too pro and no one gets knocked, so that using Olivia feels like you don’t use any skills at all.

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