The Story of Kaja in Mobile Legends, the Leader of Calestial Place ML!

Kaja is one of the heroes in Mobile Legends who occupies the role of hero fighter support. Kaja is a very useful hero in Mobile Legends gameplay because he has quite useful attack skills. But do you know the story of Kaja in Mobile Legends?

The damage generated from passive kaja itself is quite painful and the ultimate skill of this hero is very troublesome because it can attract enemies and lock heroes easily. Kaja can be used to count many heroes in Mobile Legends. Here we will review the story of Kaja in Mobile Legends for you so that you can know more about the real Kaja in Mobile Legends.

On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the Kaja Story in Mobile Legends. For those of you who are curious and want to know the complete story of Kaja’s hero in Mobile Legends, let’s just take a look at the full story below. Make sure to listen carefully so that you understand and understand who the real Kaja figure is!

The story of Kaja Hero, the bird Calestial Place in Mobile Legends

The story of Kaja starts from a place called Celestial Place where it is an area that is inhabited by many Gods. Celestial Place also gets a great guard system because it is guarded by strong Nazar Guardians.

Every demon who dared to approach this holy place called Celestial Place would definitely have trouble in the face of a high-speed magic and an electric whip that was ready to defeat them with ease.

Not a single demon has succeeded in approaching this place and escaping from the chase of these Calestial Place guard Bird knights. One of the bird knights who are quite great at Celestial place named Kaja.


The Story of Kaja in Mobile Legends, the Leader of Calestial Place ML!

Kaja is a bird knight leader who is able to increase the power of lightning easily through his whip. The Lightning Power is made into pure energy for Kaja and Kaja can control this ability easily and according to his wishes. Kaja is assigned to directly guard and protect this holy city called Celestial Place.

Thousands of years ago when the higher-ups of the city of Celestial created guards through the power of their great technology, Kaja decided to leave Celestial Place. Kaja thinks that there are already guards who can guard this city and that he is likely no longer needed.

After Kaja left, it turned out that Celestial Place had become neglected and only in ruins. Until one day Uranus, who was the guardian made by the higher-ups of the Celestial Place Active, was because there was a battle between the two camps that created a large force in the battlefield. Uranus awakens and is ready to expel them from the holy city of Celestial Place.

Now that’s an explanation of the Kaja Story in Mobile Legends that we have discussed. Hopefully this is useful and can be a good reference source for all of you. Read the above story carefully so that you understand who the real Kaja figure is! Don’t forget to visit Esportsku (@ esports.ku) for more interesting information!