Three Million Cheating Accounts Successfully Got Banned by the PUBG Mobile Anti-Cheat System Last Week

PUBG Mobile has millions of active players spread all over the world. From the large community of PUBG Mobile players, it cannot be denied that there must be players who play cunningly by using cheats. These cheat users are continuously monitored by the PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system. Finally, three million fraudulent accounts were successfully banned by the PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system which was detected over the past week.

As a popular game, PUBG Mobile has millions of active players spread all over the world. The variety of players is due to the different backgrounds the players come from to make this game has a large player community, across countries, across ages, and across genders.

However, from the large community of players, there is no doubt that cunning players are present and roaming around in this battle royale game. PUBG Mobile itself, through an anti-cheat system, continues to monitor, detect, and immediately bans the account of anyone caught using this cunning method.

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Three Million Cheating Accounts Successfully Got Banned by the PUBG Mobile Anti-Cheat System Last Week

The PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system is indeed very active in monitoring and detecting the behavior of cheats that roam in this game. Even the latest security features continue to be released to strengthen game security as well as to re-create a healthy gaming ecosystem.

The latest PUBG Mobile anti-cheat system report was released informing that around three million fraudulent accounts were successfully banned again. To be precise, 3,769,503 accounts. This detection was carried out on 2-8 October.

Three million is a much bigger number than before. Usually the accounts that are banned are only up to two million. This means that the population of players who use cheats is also getting bigger.

As we can see in the image above, cheat users come from various types of tiers. It’s even a shame that the Ace tier reaches 9% and the Conqueror tier reaches 3% of the total cheat users who have been banned.

Types of Cheats that are Banned

From a total of three million accounts that were banned, they used cheats of different types. The following details the types of cheats and cheatings that were detected and caused as many as three million accounts to be banned.

  • Aimbot cheat by 28%
  • X-Ray Vision / Wallhack cheat by 28%
  • Speed ​​Cheat by 17%
  • 5% Mod Damage Area
  • 1% Character Model Mod
  • Other Cunning Actions by 21%

As many as three million PUBG Mobile accounts have been permanently banned. Through the latest technology, the device used to use the cheat has also been blocked from being able to play the PUBG Mobile game.

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Help the PUBG Mobile security team in eradicating cheats, hacks, mods, and other sneaky deeds by reporting them to PUBG Mobile. With the disappearance of cunning deeds, it will restore a healthy PUBG Mobile game ecosystem. Thank you!