Tips for Playing X.Borg ML Ala Oura Season 16 of Mobile Legends

X.Borg is one of the most frequently played hero roles for mobile legends Fighter. This Hero Fighter Mobile leegnds has the ability to fire in a Cyborg-like character who is feared by his opponent. Now for X.Borg users, here are tips for playing X.Borg in the style of Oura, who is the Evos team.

At the MPL Playoff yesterday, Oura himself used X.Borg and was able to bring victory to his team Evos. Now, this time it feels compulsory to discuss the following tips for playing X.Borg in the style of the top player. Make sure you also use the painful build from X.Borg Mobile Legends

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The Latest Pro Mobile Legends X Borg Way!

So, here are tips for playing using the best X.Borg hero Fighter in Mobile Legends, in the style of the top player, Evos Oura. Anything? Come see more!

Take Every Action into Account

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X.Borg is the favorite fighter hero, especially when this hero was released. X.Bogr became a tire-subscription fighter hero for one full season. This is because his first skill is Fire Missile which is able to slaughter various existing opponents.

So according to Oura, the best way to use X.Borg is to take into account every action you will take. Especially when using the ultimate don’t let you blow yourself up without a single enemy.

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Don’t Hesitate Using Ultimate

X.Borg has the Ultimate Last Insanity skill, this skill makes X.Borg explode with a large enough explosion. But unfortunately, this skill can inflict great damage on the enemy and himself. Because of this he is famous for heroes who can commit suicide.

However, you don’t hesitate to use it. Moreover, to use this skill, you have to wait for the energy to activate it. Don’t let the energy run out and don’t have time to issue the ultimate.

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Play Safe and Relax

X.Borg has a skill that can shoot fire at the enemy. In addition, he can attack it with a missile and gives a small CC effect. But with this combination of skills it can make this heros very tough.

Playing casually and don’t rush is the best way to play X, Borg.

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Must Use Bloodlust Ax and Immortality

In order to have strong and sick damage when competing in Mobile Legends, of course you have to use the best items too.

Bloodlust Ax is an item that X.Borg must use as its main lifsteal source. This item can give Vamp Skill when X.Borg uses his first skill at the enemy.

While Immortality is useful for strengthening X.Bogr’s defense from various attacks. In addition, this item is also able to make X.Borg come back to life after he is killed.

So, those are some tips that you can use when playing X.Borg in the style of EVOS Oura in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the method above can be useful and useful for you Fighter users, especially X.Borg. See you!