Tips for Speeding Shutdown Windows 7 and XP, Easy!

In a hurry because you have other work but feel annoyed because your Windows OS is still an old version of Windows 7 or XP, and it takes a long time? Don’t worry, guys. Now you can solve it with the powerful tips in this article.

Shutdown itself is a process that is carried out to shut down all activities and work on a PC or laptop.

How to download everyone must be able to do it easily. You just click the Start menu and then immediately click turn off, and then tap the Shut Down option.

It’s just that for some PC or laptop devices, or at certain times, this shutdown process can take a very long time.

In fact, it can take up to several minutes. Usually this is due to several factors. For example, when you shut down there are a number of applications that you haven’t closed. Or you are in the process of downloading.

Applications that have not been closed will certainly make your PC or laptop need extra work to be able to stop applications that are still active when you will do the shutdown process.

Of course this will make it very difficult for you and make the shutdown process very long.

Another cause is usually a lot of damaged and unorganized registry. Therefore, here we will share how to speed up the PC or laptop shutdown process with a little editing in regedit.

Then how do you speed up the shutdown process?

How to speed up Windows 7 and XP shutdown

Basically, to be able to make Windows 7 or XP shut down quickly is a very easy job.

Below are some steps that you can immediately apply on your PC or laptop:

  1. The first step, you have to open Run on the start menu, can also use the windows key + R.
  2. If so, you can immediately enter regedit in the form, then click the enter option.
  3. The next step, please change the value to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopHungAppTimeout, to be 1000.
  4. After that, please change the value to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControlPanelDesktopWaitToKillAppTimeout, to be 1000.
  5. Then, please change the value to HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControlPanelDesktopHungAppTimeout, to be 1000.
  6. Next, please immediately change the value to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlWaitToKillServiceTimeout, to be 1000.
  7. Next, please change the value to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktopAutoEndTasks, becomes 1.
  8. When finished, immediately restart your PC or laptop and compare the speed of the next shutdown with the speed of the shutdown before you did the method above.

That was the article regarding tips for speeding up Windows 7 or XP on your PC or laptop.

Hopefully the above article can provide many benefits for all of you.

If you any question on how to speed up the shutdown process in Windows 7 or XP or want to add other tips, please write in the comments column below.

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See you again in another article. Good luck with this method.

Hopefully useful and technological greetings!