Tips for the newest FF Jago and Trolling Grenade Free Fire 2020, between being serious and joking!

Free Fire is one of the best Battle Royale games that you can try right now. Even the developments that are given to the game, are quite good and very interesting to try. Free Fire has been well developed, so it’s only natural that this game is quite busy to play. This time there are Tips for New FF Jago and Trolling Grenades Free Fire 2020 that you should know.

This game has been developed very well, it is even developed directly by Garena. So of course, you will never feel bored when playing this Free Fire game. Until now, there are many Free Fire Characters that can be used.

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All of these things, later on, can help you win easily. Even Free Fire is also very good to play, and in this game there are already the Best SMG Weapons that can be used.

When you compete, of course you will be provided with many unique features. You can even try the Free Fire Launchpad Feature. This feature is quite unique, which can help you to go far to where you want to go.

When you compete, you definitely have to take a variety of useful looting items. For now there are also some of the best free fire looting items, which you can use. Even one of them is a Grenade.

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This item is small, but very deadly. Even the damage dealt, can kill a large number of enemies.

On this occasion we will provide information about Tips for New FF Jago and Free Fire 2020 Trolling Grenades

Curious? Immediately, we see the explanation in the article below.

Tips for Using Free Fire Grenade Items

  1. Throwing Into The House Through The Wall

When you see an enemy near the window and shoot, try to use this item and throw it into the window. In this way, the enemy near the window will be shocked and will not be able to escape again.

  1. Use It To Enemies Who Gather

The damage from this item is Area, so of course the damage given is also quite deadly. Even the Damage, could immediately finish off the gathered Squad. If you see enemies swarming around, try to throw them properly so you can kill all of them.

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  1. Throw behind the tree

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If you see an enemy hiding behind a tree, of course this Grenade item is also very suitable for use. You can kill the enemy, without needing to approach him. Just throw the grenade to the back of the tree, then he himself will panic and die from the explosion.

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  1. Detonates Enemies Behind the Gloo Wall

If the enemy is behind the Gloo Wall, of course this item is quite useful. You just have to throw a grenade to the back of the Gloo Wall, later this explosion can kill the enemy. Throw the right one, because later the enemy will run away.

  1. Detonating Vehicles

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If you see a Squad that is in the car, even when they are stopping to look for looting items. Try to destroy the car with grenades, the damage from this item can be fast to destroy the car. If there is an enemy in the car, he will automatically die immediately.

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  1. Destroying the Gloo Wall

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This item can also destroy the Gloo Wall quickly, even one throw can immediately destroy it. If the enemy’s Gloo Wall is destroyed, you must be ready for battle.

  1. Throw on a thin wall

Uniquely, Grenades can give half damage if thrown into a fairly thin wall. Of course the enemy who is behind the wall, will receive half damage and quite disturb him from being calm.

  1. Throwing Grenades into the Watchtower

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When you play this game, of course you will definitely see the Watchtower. Not even a few players took advantage of this place to hide. So you can also throw grenades, to kill the enemy who is hiding. Try to throw the position is good, so you don’t miss.

  1. Throw In Friends

If you really get annoyed with Squad Random when playing, take it easy because Grenades are also multifunctional. Can kill enemies, can kill your own team. Of course this is quite exciting, because you can take revenge with squad members who don’t really play. Collect lots of grenades, lure them into the car.

After that, you guys come out and throw the bomb down so that the car explodes. Even thrown directly to friends, too. Well, the name is just kidding, just know it!

  1. Do not last long – long

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The grenades you guys last a long time, of course, can explode directly at hand. Of course this, can kill you yourself. So when it’s used, try to throw it straight away. But if you want to be tacked on, you guys just change to regular weapons. Automatically, the grenade fails to be thrown.

So, those are some of the information that we can convey on this occasion. In addition, in this game, there are several Ways to Use the Treasure Map Loadout so you can get lots of items. And there are also some of the most accurate Groza Weapon Locations in the current match.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

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