Top 5 Best Selling Characters in the Last Year in Free Fire (FF)

You know that there are currently 5 best-selling FF characters in Free Fire in the last year, but one of the few characters that surprised him was that this made him the best-selling character. Of course for now there are interesting things that we can get, when using the character right now. Especially if it is used when competing, of course all of that is good.

Maybe you won’t think that with this ranking there are 5 characters that are often used by players;

  1. Kla
  2. Hayato
  3. DJ Alok
  4. Maxim
  5. Andrew

These 5 characters are sorted by Free Fire. It is interesting to learn that Kla is the top, even though many think that his skills are useless.

There are lots of characters that we can use right now, of course that will help us to compete later too. For now, we also need to know the Best Character of Season 17 Free Fire, so that later you can push rank more easily. Moreover, from all these kinds of things, we won’t have any difficulties in the future.

The following are the best-selling FF characters for 2020 on Free Fire:

Kla (Rank 1)

Kla was indeed considered the worst character yesterday, which we can’t use during Rank Season 17. But it turns out that all these things today, must end now. Because Kla is a rank 1 character, which is where he is one of the best sellers right now.

For this character’s ability, you could say that he was just beating. But it turns out that from these abilities, Kla is in demand enough for players to use. Players who have used this character too, have reached the number 32 billion times used.

Hayato (Rank 2)

The next character is Hayato, we know this character who finally got the newest awakening. The ability of Hayato’s character is currently quite meta, where Hayato is the best Push Rank character in Season 17. So maybe, because of that awakening.

In fact, Hayato’s character has indeed become the mainstay of many players from the past year. There are a total of more than 31 Billion Players, where they have used this character. The ability of this character, which has not been awakened, does provide a large Armor Penetration.

DJ Alok (3rd place)

Now this is quite surprising, where DJ Alok is usually the best character to use and of course many are used. But he has been defeated by Kla and Hayato, DJ Alok deserves to be ranked 3rd as the best-selling character used by players.

The total number that has been used by this character is 30 billion times, which means that DJ Alok is indeed strong. This ability of DJ Alok gives him great healing and movement speed. His teammates will also be able to feel the effects of the heal and movement speed.

Maxim (Rank 4)

The next one that is no less surprising is Maxim, labeled as the worst character for season 17 but still the most widely used by Free Fire players. Maxim gets a total number of up to 24 billion times used by players in this Free Fire game.

The ability of this character only accelerates us, to be able to eat mushrooms. But in terms of this ability of hers, it turns out that she has become a mainstay for players in the past year. We really shouldn’t underestimate this character, if it’s already a mushroom eating competition.

Andrew (Rank 5)

Finally, Andrew, the ability of this character does provide a very high Armor strengthening effect. This ability of hers is also quite good, so it’s natural that for example she has become a mainstay until now. You guys can’t underestimate Andrew, because he’s in demand.

Not only that, it turns out that Andrew is a character that has been used up to 18 billion times by Free Fire players. Of course with things like this, we will be able to feel a lot of interesting sensations when we understand Andrew.

These are some of the characters who have been very popular during this year. Of course that way all of you, can also try this character later. Moreover, it’s already popular, so don’t forget to try it later.

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