Wanwan Mobile Legends Copied Wan’er KoG, Really?

Mobile Legends has many heroes that you can use. Not only that, Mobile Legends often releases new heroes, and now there are many heroes that you can use. Many say that the female hero of Mobile Legends is copying from Hero Moba in other games. Is that true ?. Here we will discuss about Heroes in Mobile Legends.

Mobile Legends has many heroes that can be used, and each hero can be said to be unique, because it has different characteristics. Many say that heroes in Mobile Legends copy heroes on other Moba. As a result, Moonton was already sued, and finally the design was changed. Even so, there are still many heroes who have similarities, which are very, very much. One of them is Wanwan.

Many say that Wanwan in Mobile Legends is similar to a hero in KoG named Shangguan Wan’er. With the ultimate that makes them fly, and shoots at the enemy. Both have the same Ultimate, but other skills are not similar. Many said that Wanwan came out earlier than Wan’er, but that turned out to be wrong. There is one more Hero from AoV Zata, which is the Wan’er version of AoV. Both of them have the same skills, because indeed AoV took the hero design from KoG itself. Even so, AoV still has its Original heroes.

However, is it true that Wanwan Mobile Legends is copying Wan’er KoG, here we will discuss it more deeply. Wanwan is a hero from Mobile Legends with his Marksman skill, while Wan’er is a mage assassin in KoG. What are the similarities between the two of them ?.

Wanwan Mobile Legends Copying Wan’er KoG?

Overall, Wanwan didn’t copy everything from Wan’er. the only thing similar between the two of them was the Ultimate Skill. Wanwan and Wan’er also have a way to activate the ultimate, so they can’t be arbitrary. Wan’er has to dash approximately 5 times, so that she can fly and shoot additional damage. Meanwhile, Wanwan must attack Weakpoint on each side, so that the Ultimate can be used.

If you pay attention, Wanwan’s passive is like Ultimate Fiora in LoL, where he has to attack the enemy’s side. After that, it’s passive who shoots while doing the dash, like Kalista in LoL. So not all the skills that Wanwan picks up are similar to Wan’er in KoG. Because from him the rolenya is different.


When compared to who released first, KoG will release Wan’er first. Shangguan Wan’er was released in 2018, while Wanwan was released in 2019.


If you look at the level of difficulty, maybe you will think that Wan’er looks easy compared to Wanwan. However, Wan’er needed a good position, and if any of her skills missed her she would be in danger. Unlike Wanwan, who can shoot enemies from afar, and has a strong passive that makes it easy to run from enemies. Apart from women, there are several hero mobile legends that are similar to KOG

That’s the info about Wanwan Mobile Legends to copy Wan’er KoG. Actually Wanwan did not completely copy Wan’er from KoG, because some of the skills she had, Wan’er didn’t have. However, if you look at the release date, Wan’er came first and was more difficult to use. Also Follow Our Social Media on Instagram Esportsku!

Adithya https://esportsku.com

Almost active in all MOBA and ARTS games, also enthusiastic about JRPG, Monster Hunter, and SoulsBorne. Active in FPS too like R6 and Valorant.