When is the Time to Explode FF from Free Fire Grenades?

Now you need to know the explosion time of a Grenade in Free Fire, this is something all players need to know. Because indeed this will make us even safer to play this Free Fire game. Because it is able to know the explosion time of this Grenade item, then it can be used properly and correctly the time later.

For now, in the Free Fire game, there are many unique and interesting things that we can try. One of them, you also have to know if the Best Free Fire Looting Item is something that we need to use. So that way you will definitely get better, then you can also find out the Grenade item, one of them too.

But what about the timing of the grenade’s explosion? things like that were the most neglected by players. Even though the timing of the explosion is very important, curious? let’s just look at the explanation below.

Time of Explosion of Grenades in Free Fire

Explosions are one of the most deadly things, where they can do enormous damage. One of the items that gave us a big explosion was the Grenade, yup, you know this item is quite good and very cool. Even though it is small and cute, if it becomes an explosion it can make you die quickly too.

But for that you also have to be able to know, the timing of this explosion is one of the most important things. Where you all will be even easier, to fight and defeat the enemy later. But you do need to know, so that later the resulting explosion will not hit your own body and make you die.

Don’t forget to use the Alvaro Free Fire Character, because this is one of the best things for that. So, for example, if you want to throw this grenade well, please know that the maximum blast time of the grenade is 5 seconds. After it has reached 5 seconds, it will immediately give massive damage, because of the explosion produced by the Grenade as well.

But if it’s to make this grenade explode faster, it’s not that difficult either. When you want to throw a grenade, do the animation first to select the location of the grenade to be thrown. But you also have to be able to know too, if for example when doing the animation it will start the countdown time. This grenade explodes.

After 3 Seconds Will Explode?

So you can hold 2 to 3 seconds, so that the explosion from this grenade can explode faster at the enemy you are looking for. But you don’t want to hold the grenade for long, until 5 seconds later and this is a big problem too. Where you guys will definitely die in a silly way, because you explode a grenade in your own hands.

Surely you guys have made the grenade active, we should be able to throw it quickly too. Because all of this will be dangerous if you guys later, won’t die in a fast or ridiculous way either.

We must be able to carry grenades in this match, because these items can be used to kill enemies who are hiding. Always be careful to use this, because this is something we need to pay attention to later. Moreover, during the explosion, if you let it be, your Boom will die because of the Grenade explosion in your hand.

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

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