Why do Free Fire Cheaters still exist? Can it Destroy on FF?

Free Fire is a Battle Royal game that is quite popular in Indonesia, and has many players. This Battle Royal shooting game has many communities. For various reasons, this game has a lot of cheaters, who use illegal programs and play fraudulently. Players like this use cheats, as if they don’t know the consequences. In fact, playing online games with cheats is prohibited, and your account could be deleted because you cheated. Here we will explain about cheaters in Free Fire.

A cheat is a player, who uses cunning and cheating. Usually rely on third party software, so that it can randomize existing programs. Cheats on Free Fire are usually like Wallhack, very beneficial for users. This cannot be done, because this wallhack is practically a cheat. Because of that, you shouldn’t use it. Usually you can do a report to complain about it, but your response is not necessarily a response.

Here we will explain about why there are still cheaters in the Free Fire game. There are many things that make this game still a lot of cheaters. So if you are one of them, it’s better to stop and play fairly.


Every online game has security, which prevents other apps from scrambling its own programs. Because a game has poor security, it makes the game easy to randomize. So, because it has this poor security, it will be easy for cheaters to enter the game with the cheat


This can also be the reason why there are still many cheaters in the Free Fire game. Because many players don’t want to lose, but don’t have the skills to win. Sometimes they look for shortcuts to problems they identify. Players who have skills like this, look for shortcuts by using skills. In fact, cheating is prohibited in online games. If, you use a cheat, your account could be frozen or banned forever. So, before using a cheat, it’s better to think about it well.


Many web sites provide a collection of applications for using cheats. Web like that, better reported to the game, so that the web ban. Because, this is what spreads cheat-user players, then destroys the game so that other people are lazy to play it. You also have to be careful, it could be that the application you download contains a virus, which is dangerous for your cellphone.


This also makes Cheaters still in Free Fire. When you find a Cheater, you should report that person. But, when you did the report, did the message arrive ?. It could be that Free Fire doesn’t really pay attention to this, and let this continue. Even though the cheat has been removed, the cheat user still exists. This is why the cheaters are still around.


Poor maintenance could be the reason why Cheaters are still in Free Fire. Things like Bug Fixes and others are common. However, did they strengthen their game defenses? This is the question. If they still have cheaters in the game they have, it means that their game is still not strong enough to keep cheats from entering the game. So because they have a bad maintainance, it results in them having bad anti-cheat defense.

Can Free Fire Cheaters Be Destroyed?

Actually, to exterminate cheaters free fire, Garena can’t just work. Free fire players must also work together with Garena Free Fire to report or reject requests to use cheater free fire.

As we know, cheaters themselves are free fire players who are playing fun or deliberately cheating just for personal pleasure. Of course this is detrimental to the developer and free fire players themselves. So, let’s not use cheats and report any free fire cheaters hanging around!

Also read:

That is an explanation of, the reason why Cheaters are still in Free Fire. But what is more important is the player’s intention. If you really intend to play fairly, and don’t rely on cheats. Maybe Free Fire has become a cheat-free game, then no one else is babbling about unfair matches.

Adithya https://esportsku.com

Almost active in all MOBA and ARTS games, also enthusiastic about JRPG, Monster Hunter, and SoulsBorne. Active in FPS too like R6 and Valorant.