Invictus Gaming Silences Team Liquid in the TI7 Playoffs

Invictus Gaming Silences Team Liquid in the TI7 Playoff on the first day. The opening game of the playoffs got surprising results because invictus gaming managed to beat the liquid team with a final score of 2-1. Even though the Liquid team itself is a team that is highly praised in the European region, unfortunately this favorite team has to admit that the team that is their opponent has more strength and luck than them. Now, they are in the low bracket.

In the first game, invictus gaming played with the extraordinary game patterns of each of their heroes, they had a Batrider, Night Stalker, and Ancient Apparition, Invictus almost always had a synchronized pattern of play in the battles between the two teams, while Liquid had to be forced to use survival game patterns.

invictus gaming

The player who plays an important role in Invictus in this match is Ou “OP” Peng. is a mid-laner with the Alchemist hero where he is the last pick in their draft, and plays that hero perfectly in his laner – slowly he raises the level and makes good items. In contrast, the star of the liquiod team Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi with his invoker was unable to catch up with such a fat alchemist. In the end Op’s Alchemist, who repeatedly defeated mid-laner Liquid.

Once the match time hits the mark of 30 minutes, the winner of this first game has been determined, as Invictus has destroyed all the outer structures of Liquid and is continuing to win.

The second game in the series saw Liquid emerge as the winner, however, invictus gaming looked to be playing poorly as both BurNIng and Op returned to the game with the same heroes they played before, and the play of both was a stark contrast to the first game of the series. Finally they were pressed continuously until they managed to make four heroes from the liquid team return to fountain and wait for their respawn time, but that was not enough to be able to withstand the strong pressure from Liquid, until the second game was determined by bringing this match to the third determination.

The hero who has a big influence in this game is Xxs, who has a match history of 13/2/10 using his Earthshaker. He is able to become an offlaner consistently by getting continuous kills from liquid heroes.

During the match most of the focus was on Mind_Control, with a faceless void who would become the initiator for Teamfight from Liquid. Unfortunately, he is consistently targeted by Invictus, the movement of the voids will be narrower, plus the use of chronos cannot help teamfight, so the movement of Invictus gaming is very wide.

As time went by, Liquid made himself constantly have to look at the backs of Invictus which were increasingly looking away from liquid and finally invictus gaming suppressed the team liquid game so that they made this favorite team from the European region have to continue the journey again in the low bracket and this is the thing. Invictus Gaming finally silenced Team Liquid in the TI7 playoffs