RRQ Hoshi at MPL ID Season 6 Week 7: 2 Core, 2 Marksman

Pro scene Mobile Legends MPL ID Season 6, has come to the end of the round regular season. In Week 7, RRQ Hoshi faces off against Bigetron Alpha in MPL season 6 mobile legends this time.

RRQ immediately surprised fans with XINNN’s return to strengthen starting line up RRQ. On the other hand, RRQ Lemon remains consistent with role: mage support and RRQ Vynnn as tank.

In addition, it is RRQ Alberttt who is being predicted to be core and a replacement for XINNN, not reserved. But RRQ Alberttt is a part of starting line up the.

RRQ was successful in winning games 1, and made a temporary score of 1-0 over BTR. On games 2, RRQ is not tired of bringing surprises to MPL ID supporters and fans again.

Let’s look at the discussion below!


For RRQ fans, this hero is no stranger. The reason is, RRQ Lemon really likes to use Faramis, especially in the MPL ID Season 5 ago.

On games 2 when dealing with BTR, Faramis became the mainstay of RRQ Lemon again. . Accompanied by Khaleed tank RRQ Vynnn, midlaner RRQ behaved very bar bars since the start of the match. You can also use the Faramis mobile legends method to be like RRQ

Even Ling BTR MAXXX barely managed to get by blue buff up to the phase mid game.

2 Core

RRQ XIN Mobile Legends in MPL ML Until Now!

Choosing Faramis, of course, will be a surprise in itself. Coupled with starting line up RRQ which is somewhat special and unique.

Because the RRQ members which consist of 2 core at once, namely XINNN and Alberttt. As a result, RRQ has tremendous ambition to kill and aggressiveness. The BTR was even immediately under RRQ pressure since the phase early game.

Area jungle The BTR itself is completely under Lemon and Vynnn’s control. Success midlaner RRQ in invading jungle BTR, give it space farm for YSS RRQ XINNN which is very free.

On the other hand, RRQ also still has core the other is Alberttt. Not to forget, the RRQ R7 which is offlaner RRQ. Is a offlaner who is very fond of behaving as he should assassin which stabs into the back line of the opponent’s defense.

2 Marksman

In terms of draft pick, RRQ does not run out of surprises only through Faramis. Instead, RRQ also uses 2 heroes marksman all at once!

Of course use 2 marksman raises doubts, because BTR is relying on Ling as core they. However, RRQ with 2 marksman it actually ruined the BTR formation.

The reason is, game play from the second marksman RRQ is also very aggressive like behavior midlaner they. In the end, RRQ won the match with a final score of 2-0 over Bigetron Alpha.

It is quite unique and rarely sees RRQ displaying such a bar performance. However, RRQ is still able to be disciplined in eachteam fight that happened. That’s RRQ Hoshi in MPL ID Season 6 Week 7: 2 Core, 2 Marksman!