What is Micro ML and Macro in Mobile Legends!

Esportsku will provide an explanation of what is Mikro mobile legends and Macro ML. When playing the Mobile Legends game, you must have heard of micro or macro.

These two things have different meanings in playing games. When you can master these two things, you can play well.

Therefore, knowing what is macro or micro is very important in playing mobile legends games. Here we will provide an explanation of playing MOBA games.

Macro is mastery of the map of mobile legends and your surroundings. While micro is a skill from the hero Mobile legends.

Even so, you only know the rough definition, so we will explain further. So, listen carefully.

When you play Mobile Legends, you must be able to master the heroes that you play. Your roles or skills. By mastering this, you can use this hero more easily.

Not only that, countering other heroes can also help you attack your enemies.

Therefore, mastery of heroes is very important in playing MOBA games. You can start by getting to know the types and ways of playing the heroes you use. After that, you are looking for ways to use the hero well.

After you know the hero you use, now you know the map for playing MOBA. As you know, you cannot wander aimlessly, because you may be intercepted by other enemies.

Therefore Map Awareness is needed in playing this moba game. You must be able to predict enemies on the map and be careful of ganks. After that, you also have to read your opponent’s build. By knowing your opponent’s build, you can find ways to counter against him.

Well, if you understand the meaning of What is Micro and Macro in Mobile Legends, you can play well. Micro and macro have different meanings. If you can master these two things, you can do well too. Therefore, this is a brief explanation of what is micro and macro in Mobile Legends.

For those who do not understand what macro and micro are, we will explain here. Of course, it often appears either in someone’s speech or in other sources. But sometimes it is difficult to find what the specific definition is.


Macro Mobile legends is the overall mastery of the ML map. This means, how do you master the map.

If you can master the ML map well, you have a good macro. You must be able to master the Mobile legends map well.

Predict the arrival and movement of the enemy, so you can avoid the gang well. Not only that, wave creep also includes map mastery. If you can master this well, you can control the waves easily.

Starting from small things such as decisions to enough still from reading the map, reading the opponent’s movements, and even getting inside mind games. Instinct also enters here and broadly macro is a difficult skill to learn and it must come from oneself.

Of course, you can’t do this alone, you need a team to help you. If you are blind to the map or don’t know where to go, it means your macro is lacking. This is what makes you unable to get to know the map well.

WHAT IS MICRO Mobile Legends?

Mikro Mobile legends have a different meaning. Mikro Mobile legends is the mastery of existing ML heroes.

The purpose of mastering this hero is the use of good skills, use of good roles, and selecting the correct lane.

Your micro skills between Hayabusa and Gusion heroes will be different. Besides that, different heroes have different levels of micro skills like Fanny who is difficult with Natalia who is easier.

In addition, there are examples of heroes who have difficult macros like Fanny. Fanny needs good macro with skill usage speed and accuracy. This is what makes you need a good macro. Not only fanny, other heroes also need a good micro, so that the use of hero is more optimal than usual.

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Well, this is a brief explanation of what is micro and macro in Mobile Legends. If you can master macro and have a good micro in using heroes in Mobile Legends. You can contribute to the team well. This can increase your winnings too, so you should try to master these two things. Also Follow Our Social Media on Instagram Esportsku!