5 heroes in Mobile Legends who are immune to the ultimate enemy

Many heroes on mobile legends have Invisibility or Anti CC skills. You can use each of these skills at certain times to protect yourself from enemy attacks. Not all heroes have this skill, so it’s a good idea to make good use of the skills this hero has. That way you can easily avoid enemy attacks. Here we will discuss the heroes in Mobile Legends.

Every hero in Mobile Legends has different skills. Some can attack, give Buff, and others depending on the hero you use. therefore, you have to read the hero skills that you use, so you know how the skills of these heroes work. Because every hero is different – at least you read the detailed hero skills you use, so you are not confused about how to use them even though you are using them for the first time.

There are many ways that you can use to avoid enemy or ultimate enemy attacks. If you want to survive, you can use a hero who has anti-CC mobile legends to withstand enemy attacks like Aldous or Johson. However, some heroes also have I-frames or Invisibility Frames that allow them to avoid almost all attacks like Lancelot’s skill. With good timing, you can easily avoid enemy attacks.

Here we will provide tips about Mobile Legends heroes who are immune to ultimate enemies. Maybe not invulnerable but resist or avoid enemy attacks. With this Hero’s skill, you can easily avoid enemy attacks.

The following are ML Heroes who have skills that can be immune and get to avoid the Ultimate enemy of mobile legends such as Johnson, Aldous, even the Global Moskov Ultimate:


Hero Mobile Legends is immune to the ultimate enemy

Lancelot has a high enough iframe skill. His 2nd skill can make him avoid various attacks in a fairly short time. You can use the skills it has to avoid several enemy attacks, if you use the skills with the right time.


Hero Mobile Legends is immune to the ultimate enemy

Diggie is a support hero who has anti-cc skills. With his ultimate skill, Diggie can withstand enemy CC attacks and run from them. You can use 2 Diggie skills to curb enemies, and help you run from enemies too. Ultimate which is owned by Diggie Area and can hit his friends too.


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Kagura also has Anti CC skill that can help him escape from enemy attacks easily. Skill 2 when he holds an umbrella, allows him to run from enemies easily. When you are hit by Johnson or Aldous, use Skill 2 when you are hit to run from the enemy.


Kadita also has skills that can make her inaccessible, allowing her to avoid enemy attacks easily. You can use his skills with the right timing, so you can avoid enemy attacks that are quite fatal.

These heroes might be your choice when playing Mobile Legends. Very strong and independent they can also avoid death thanks to their skillet which is quite well used.

That’s the info about the Hero Mobile Legends who is immune to the ultimate enemy. Some of these heroes need precise timing, and some can withstand CC easily. Take advantage of the skills this hero has, to avoid enemy attacks, then attack back or run from the enemy. With this hero skill, you can avoid fatal enemy attacks, or hero combos.

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