8 Red Buff Priority ML Heroes in Mobile Legends, Don’t Mess!

The Red Buff in the Mobile Legends game has the benefit of giving a slow effect after dealing 80% damage to the opponent for one second. Besides that, it can also give a true damage effect of 50 (+317) and the effect of this red buff has a cooldown of three seconds. This time we will discuss about the ML Hero priority Red Buff in Mobile Legends who must use this buff.

The red buff is perfect for heroes who have considerable damage and also take advantage of true damage. It is suitable for marksman heroes and fighter heroes.

Hero ML Red Buff Priority in Mobile Legends

On this occasion we will provide an explanation of the Mobile Legends hero to prioritize the Red Buff. If you meet one of the heroes who need a red buff then give the hero a red buff.

For those of you who want to know which heroes really need the red buff, let’s just look at the full review below!

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Bruno becomes a marksman hero who is very obliged to use the red buff because it can increase the true damage effect of the attacks that Bruno launched on his opponent. If Bruno has used the red buff then this hero becomes very dangerous in gameplay.


Granger is a marksman that takes advantage of the critical and true damage effects of each skill he has. The red buff makes Granger very overpowered and the additional true damage effect becomes very painful.

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Karrie is also one of the marksman heroes who relies heavily on the red buff because Karrie herself also relies heavily on the true damage effect. This is because Karrie’s passive skill itself also produces a large amount of true damage.


Wanwan is a hero who relies heavily on attack speed, slow effects, and true damage effects. By using the red buff, it will make women more aggressive and the resulting damage will also be even greater.

This is of course due to the characteristics of the hero Wanwan who really need the right timing to maximize his performance. With the right timing, of course, Wanwan’s skills will make the opponent’s hero get the maximum damage. Therefore, using the red buff for a hero like Wanwan is highly recommended.

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Claude is a marksman who has the ultimate burst damage area skill that can make his enemies die easily. Using the red Buff makes it sicker because the damage it generates is even greater. The slow effect is also very suitable for Claude so that he can get his opponent killed easily.


Lesley is also a Marksman hero who relies heavily on true damage and critical effects. The red buff is very useful for this hero because it can provide additional true damage effect which is quite painful for Lesley’s hero.

In addition, the red buff is useful when Lesley penetrates tank heroes so that their defense becomes soft coupled with her ultimate critical!


Moskov is also a marksman hero who relies heavily on the red buff. By using the red buff, the Moskov gameplay is very optimal. This combo between attack speed and critical with this red buff is a combo that is perfect for Moskov.

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Irithel has the ultimate skill in the form of a very painful damage area when hit by an opponent. This hero is very suitable to use the red buff because his ultimate skill can become even more painful with the additional true damage effect.

So that’s the priority hero of the Mobile Legends red buff that we have explained. Hopefully this is useful and can be a good reference source for all of you. That is all and thank you!