Event Treasure Chest FF Looks for the X Sign of Free Fire

Garena free fire has closed the Treasure Hunter event. In that event, you have to look for the X Mark where the prizes you will get. This time, Garena also presents the Treasure chest ff event which is also looking for an X free fire sign. The difference is, if the FF treasure hunter looks for an x ​​on the Wen event. Meanwhile, this treasure chest is looking for an x ​​in the game on 2 different maps.

Treasure Chest Free Fire itself will look for an x ​​on the purgatory map and the Bermuda map. Just like the treasure hunter event, at the treasure chest event you can also get a free elite pass bundle. Although the bundle has an in-game timeframe.

Event Treasure Chest FF Looks for the X Sign of Free Fire

At the Treasure Chest FF Event you will be given a mission to Find the X Sign of Free Fire. The x mark in the game has a total of 15 signs that you can look for on the Purgatory and Bermuda maps.

You will be able to find each x location randomly and of course you will find this chest only once a day. That is, each player can get 15 marks with only one per day. In this chest there is a cool bundle with a period of 24 hours.

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Free fire magicians who have found the chest at this event will be given a cool elite pass bundle for the girl’s treasure bundle hunter character. In addition, you can also get a skull captain bundle in this FF Treasure Chest Event. Then, how do you start this event?

First Step Event Treasure Chest Free fire

First you have to start by clicking the elite pass menu button Event Treasure Chest FF in your free fire game, which is on the main free fire menu. The appearance is as below

Event Treasure Chest FF Looks for the X Sign of Free Fire

Second Step

Second, you will be taken to the elite pass menu where there is a treasure box with gold scattered around it. Make sure you click on the Event Treasure Chest FF menu.

Event Treasure Chest FF Looks for the X Sign of Free Fire

Third step

After you click on the Treasure Chest Free fire Event menu, you will be taken to the Treasure Chest Free fire Event pop up menu that appears in the game. On this menu, you have to click on GO TO so that you are taken to the next menu.

The last step for the FF Treasure Chest Event

After that, free fire players will be taken to a game choice. You can choose classic games. Because here you will find a mission that looks for an x ​​in free fire.

Event Treasure Chest FF Looks for the X Sign of Free Fire

After you click on classic mode you will play as usual. The difference is, you have to find an X if you want to get a free elite pass bundle.

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Garena free fire distributed this bundle at the Treasure Chest Free fire Event. This is so that players who don’t have an elite pass will also feel like using the free bundle from the elite pass. You can find this on the Bermuda and Purgatory maps. Make sure you land in the place where you jumped from the plane. Use all other supporting items such as loadout free fire items.

If there is a recent update from this event or the exact location of the treasure chest event. We will immediately notify you at the Treasure Chest Event Looking for the X Sign of Free Fire. This is so that you get the elite bundle fitting for free. Greetings, Booyah!