Leaked Live Performance FF DJ Alok Free Fire Game, Can You Get the FF Redeem Code!

Garena is indeed one of the publishers responsible for the development of the Free Fire game, even the game has also been played by many people. Not only that, now the Free Fire game also has lots of new updates. So naturally, if the game gets busier every day.

This party has also presented the Free Fire Character feature which is quite unique. In fact, this feature is almost not owned by other games. So that you are also able to try and take advantage of that feature, even one of them is a character named DJ Alok.

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This character is very famous and quite strong in the Free Fire game, even DJ Alok is the unmatched Meta Skill Character. This ability of hers, can provide a fairly large Heal and Movement Speed. So of course, it benefits the team or yourself.

DJ Alok is also a famous DJ in the real world, even this character appeared because of the collaboration between Garena and DJ Alok. So of course, this character has a sales price that is somewhat different from the others.

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The position of this character is almost the same as Jota, where he is used as a special character. You can also find out about DJ Alok’s Turning Counter right now, so you can anticipate it. Besides that, for more information, you also have to know this DJ Alok Character Review.

Even now, DJ Alok will be holding a Live DJ Performance. Even later, if you watch the broadcast you will have the opportunity to get a Free Redeem Code.

Intrigued by the information? Just consider the explanation in the article below.

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DJ Alok Live Performance Saturday / Sunday

For now, during the Covid 19 period and since we are in Indonesia, we can only see it on Livestream. For the start of his presentation, DJ Alok will give the theme song Vale – Vale as the opening. Then it will be continued, with another song.

So of course, if you want to see live at home, prepare the quota and watch the live performance. Even though the distance is far, DJ Alok’s fans will always be close to his fans even though they can only see through streaming.

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You can watch this live stream from platforms like TV Globo, BOOYAH! And SporTV. Even if you can’t see it on that platform, you can immediately see it in the Free Fire Game. Because DJ Alok, too, had done the same thing like this.

Can Get Free Fire Redeem Code

If you watch this Live, you will have the opportunity to get a Redeem Code. Even so, we do not yet know whether this Code is for Brazilian players or is it Global for all players in the world.

The live will take place on Saturday 2 May 2020 at 10.30 for Brazil regional time. But if you change it to Indonesia, it will take place on May 3, 2020, Sunday at 8.30 WIB. So don’t miss it, if you are a DJ Alok fan.

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Besides DJ Alok, Jota’s character is also a collaboration between Garena and Joe Taslim. In fact, you can also find out the Unique Facts of Jota’s Character, which is currently quite famous in Free Fire and the real world. In fact, you can use the Thompson Free Fire Weapon for this character later.

So, those are some of the information that we can convey on this occasion. How?

That’s it, Thank You and Greetings, Booyah.

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