How to get rid of flies using Android

Android is now a multifunctional item. Even now you can also repel annoying flies using only your Android. So cool guys. Flies are of course very annoying, and can even cause vomiting if they perch on food. Flies come from dirty places. Imagine if he perched on food and you ate it.

This fly repelling requires extra effort because after being expelled it can come back again. There are many different tools for repelling flies that come in different forms. Now you can also use your Android as a fly repellent. You can use an application that utilizes ultrasonic power, which flies are very unlikely to like. Flies will not come back again if you are expelled using the application.

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Applications that you can use are Anti Fly (Fly Repeller). This application is powerful enough to repel annoying flies around you. The ultrasonic sound from this application makes the flies reluctant to return, so it is very powerful. Then how do you get rid of flies using this application? Here are the steps you have to do:

  1. Download the app Anti Fly, then install as usual on your Android
  2. Open the Anti Fly application, then determine the amount of sound you want to output. You can use a sound with a frequency of 20 KHz
  3. Press the fly’s image so that the sound can be turned on immediately. Wait a few moments, the fly will quickly go away. You can increase the sound intensity if the fly hasn’t gone away

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Well, that’s a practical way to get rid of flies using your Android. Very useful right. You don’t have to bother repelling flies. You also don’t need to spend more money to buy a fly repellent, guys. Just take advantage of Android which is often in your hand. Hopefully this is useful!

Greetings technology!