Will Hanzo Get Nerf In Overwatch?

Jeff Kaplan as game director at Overwatch, often talks with players whether it’s through forums or some of his videos that Blizzard always discusses all Overwatch hero balances. Then Will Hanzo Get Nerf In Overwatch?

This time he responded to a post on the overwatch forum where players complained about Hanzo’s Scatter Arrow, Kaplan himself said that Hanzo was one of the heroes most frequently discussed by Blizzard about Hanzo’s hero balance.

“We have been talking about the Scatter arrow since 2014,” he wrote. “It is a controversial thing, about the claim that” does not need skill “this is unfair, it is a good shot, it is to inflict great damage and is not good for the recipient (especially for those who use a hero like Orisa)” He continued.

He continued: “The image of shooting someone in the leg and then getting killed is definitely not our goal, but that’s where we are now.”

Hanzo Nerf Overwatch

Kaplan also did not mention specifically for Hanzo’s changes, but he did mention that if the Scatter Arrow was nerfed it would make Hanzo a weaker hero than other heroes. “If Hanzo nerfed in Overwatch, he would definitely need rocks now” added Kaplan. Changes to the Hanzo hero are complex, and because of that the balance is being discussed

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Hanzo received a buff at the end of May which removed the attack cooldown from his wall climbing abilities. These buffs make it easier to attack after the player has climbed. Maybe, it’s a small adjustment but it will have a huge impact if you use experienced players. Likewise, his Storm bow got an increase in charge speed and his charged arrow when doing a wall climb.

Kaplan also did not specify when to nerf Hanzo

Now that’s about one of the Hanzo heroes, who is not yet known, will get a nerf in the next update to the Overwatch game. This weak hero is supposed to get a buff so that he doesn’t fall behind with other heroes.

That’s all and don’t forget to follow Esportsku (@ esports.ku) to get the latest information about the Overwatch game, either news or tips and tricks when playing Overwatch. See you!