Yuki Snow Witch, the New Little Commander in Magic Chess Mobile Legends!

We already know that the Mobile Legends game always presents various new modes in the games it makes, one of the most widely played modes is the Magic Chess Mode which in this one mode presents a new Little Commander named Yuki Si Snow Witch Magic Chess Mobile Legends.

Currently there are quite a lot of new little commanders in Magic Chess Mobile legends which makes the Magic Chess game even more exciting to play. Now one of the newest ones is Yuki the Snow Witch who will give your new gameplay even stronger in Magic Chess Mobile Legends game mode.

On this occasion, we will discuss the new Little Commander named Yuki the Snow Witch, whose commander is very cute and elegant. You can start using it today at Magic Chess Mobile Legends. Let’s see the skills he has.

New Little Commander – Yuki, Snow Witch Magic Chess

In the game Magic Chess mode, we will see a new Little Commander named Yuki, Snow Witch. Here are the complete skills possessed by Yuki.

Skill 1: Deadly Snipe

When active, you can spend during the pervade of each round in the deployment stage. Yuki can also gather strength. When the Round starts, he will collect the HP of all the heroes of one tum on the Chess board.

For every single hero whose strength is taken, he will deal additional damage to the opposing hero with the highest power. This skill has a cooldown of 3 rounds.

Skill 2: Absolute Loyalty

When this skill is active, it can be used during the preparation of each round in the placement stage. When the Round starts, the chosen hero will sacrifice himself, distributing mana evenly to the 8 nearest him according to the star level of the selected hero.

This skill has a cooldown of 3 rounds, the effect itself will end when the hero is pulled back into stock.

Skill 3: CHarming

When active it can be used during the preparation of each round with a very strong charm ability. When the round has started, the hero will cause a charm effect to the two heroes of one team on the left and right and force them to sacrifice the charm effect to the two heroes of the team on the left and right and force them to sacrifice themselves to strengthen the strength of the hero who did it. charm.

You will get the max HP of the target and a number of Physical Attack and Magic Power of your opponent. This skill has a cooldown of 3 rounds. The effect itself will end when the hero is pulled back into stock.


Now that is the skill possessed by the new Yuki Little Commander in Magic Chess Mobile Legends which was released by Moonton today, I hope the above review can be useful especially for those of you who are Magic Chess players in Mobile Legends.

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